【禁闻】六四23年 “天安门母亲”叹南柯梦










连日来,大陆许多地区的民众和民运人士自行举行“六四”23周年纪念活动。20多位在北京上访的民众, 23号自费在北京歌厅举办别开生面的纪念演唱会。

参加演唱会的访民胡醒爱表示,当年大学生为了反腐败,把年轻的生命都贡献出去了,访民举办演唱会的目地是,通过缅怀“六四” 反腐学运中牺牲的英灵,揭露中共至今的腐败。







采访/梁欣 编辑/唐睿 后制/周天

June 4th: The 23rd anniversary: ……….

As the 23rd anniversary of June 4th massacre advances,
increasing numbers of Mainlanders are calling for redress.
Many democracy activists voluntarily held June 4th memorials.
Some Beijing practitioners even hosted concerts to remember
those who died despite dangers. ‘Tiananmen Mother’ also
continued to publish articles as they did in the past.
The articles called for a political reform within the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP), peacefully resolve June 4th incident.

On May 31st, ‘Tiananmen Mother’ published an article as a
memorial to June 4th martyrs’ death.
The article says that as time went by,
to solve problems of the June 4th, seems like day dreaming…
The day for the CCP to fairly resolve the June 4th incident is
still too far in the future to be reality.

The article said that the severity with which the CCP has been
violating human rights could not be worse.
The gap between the rich and poor in China is tremendous.

China’s corruption is messy to a point that could not be
cleaned up.
People’s moral values are near collapse. Sudden massive
protests come and go in waves.
The maintenance of ‘Stability’ has become the solid top
priority of the regime.
This all brings immeasurable damage to the Chinese people;
feelings of extreme hopelessness and confusion prevail.

‘Tiananmen Mother’ Zhang Xianling expresses she is saddened
that the Chinese regime still could not talk to the deceased family members to this day.

Zhang Xianling: “There isn’t much more to say. I just hope
that the regime can have some humanity, some sensitivity.
This is the only way for our nation and people to have hope”.

June 4th democracy activist Wu Renhua expresses sympathy
towards the ‘Tiananmen Mothers’.

Wu Renhua: “Because their relatives were arrested or
killed by the martial law troops during the Tiananmen event
which occurred 23 years ago,
they want to seek justice for their relatives.
After years and years of waiting, now 23 years have passed,
yet they still have not received justice. I can feel their desperation."

Current Affairs Commentator Heng He says that June 4th
family members should be compensated.

Heng He: “Because historically, the crimes which the CCP
has committed towards their people is not just the June 4thincident.
[It starts] from the suppression of the anti-
revolutionaries to Land Reform;
from the Anti-rightist movement to the Cultural Revolution
and then to June 4th including the persecution of Falun Gong.
Up until now we did not see the CCP to admit their wrong-
doings on any matter."

Recently, Mainlanders from various areas and democracy
activists held June 4th 23 year anniversary.
More than 20 Beijing petitioners organized a special concert
in Beijing at their own expenses.

Petitioner Hu Xingai, who participated in the concert said
those university students gave their lives in order to fight corruption,
so the purpose of this concert was to expose CCP’s
continued corruption today.
The concert was a memorial to the heroes
who sacrificed themselves.

Hu Xingai: “June 4th students opposed corruption, but at
Tiananmen Square some were crushed to death.
Think about how many martyrs there were. Now everyone who
participates in anti-corruption movements feel unsafe.
We don’t have any hope, we don’t have any means."

Ms. Li, a concert participant, said: “[We] hope this country
stops being so corrupt.
Up to today, we still cannot redress this issue. The June 4th
students were really wronged.”

However, many citizens from Guizhou has been captured by
the National Security for publicly hosting June 4th memorial activities.
Mei Chong Piao, initiator of the event,
has yet to be found.

Heng He believes since the CCP is facing dangers right now,
it may make a different conclusion concerning June 4th in order to win public support.
However, Heng He points out that the CCP does not have the
power to redress June 4th anymore now.

Heng He: “In reality, June 4th Massacre is the same as any
other crime committed by the CCP.
These are anti-human crimes; the matter of redress does not
even exist.
The CCP should confess their sins and ask forgiveness from
its victims."

Heng He believes that calling for the CCP to redress June 4th
is actually admitting to CCP’s mistakes and power.
Basically admitting it has the power to persecute its people.

However, Heng He also says that the CCP will eventually
receive a historical trial.
It is immediately faced with accounts for the “crimes against
humanity" to settle for.
