【禁闻】学者上书人大 吁取消计划生育政策




“访民律师团” 天理:“提提议可能是为了减压,就为了现在中国民众对那个政府计划生育那个恶劣的表现,那种行为,所以他们有些专家教授肯定出来说一说,缓一缓当局的那个……人民对当局的锐气。”








美国《华尔街日报》报导,中国从1980年“一胎化”政策开始实施以来,中国少生了大约4亿人。2010年人口普查结果,中国60岁以上人口所占的比例为 13.3%,高于2000年的10.3%﹔14岁以下人口(也就是中国将来的劳动者)占总人口数的16.6%,低于10年前的23%。因此,中国正面临着一场人口危机。

采访编辑/唐睿 后制/孙宁

Chinese Scholars Petition for Abolition of China’s One-Child Policy

The forced abortion of Ms. Feng Jianmei in Shanxi Province
during her seventh month of pregnancy has become a shocking scandal to the world.
The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) “family planning”
is again under fire.
Recently, five Chinese law scholars and demographers submitted
a petition to the National People’s Congress (NPC).
The petition asked the authorities to amend the Population
and Family Planning Law and abandon the One-Child Policy.
Analysts believe that the scholars’ suggestions do not have much impact,
but only serve to relieve some outside pressure on the CCP.

On July 5, five scholars including Zhan Zhongle,
professor of law at Peking University,
initiated the petition asking the authorities to amend the
Population and Family Planning Law,
and abandon the One-Child Policy.
The petition was signed and supported by 10 other scholars,
and has been submitted to and is awaiting a response from
the NPC and its Standing Committee.

Tian Li, a lawyer from Petitioner’s Lawyer Group, said that

whenever CCP is faced with crisis, some scholars will
come forward to help relieve pressure on the CCP.

Tian Li of Petitioner’s Lawyer Group:
“These suggestions are made to soothe pressure.
The public opinion now condemns
the authorities’ family planning,
therefore some scholars or professors have to say something,
so as to assuage the people’s anger.”

Last month, Ms. Feng Jianmei from Shanxi Province,
was forced to end her seven month pregnancy.
She couldn’t pay the 40,000 RMB penalty for a second baby,

so she was sent to the hospital by family planning officials
for a forced abortion.
Photos posted online of Ms. Feng and her aborted fetus
outraged the Chinese public.

Liu Ping, an independent candidate in China: “The laws
of nature cannot be violated.
To solely rely on family planning to govern a country
is impossible and unrealistic.
Especially for the forced abortion of an eight or
nine month pregnancy, that is murder, brutal murder.”

Tian Li said that the One-Child Policy is not expressly
stipulated in China’s laws.

Tian Li: “Ordinary people [in China] have no human rights.
The authorities decide whether you can give birth to a child or not.
But those officials, celebrities and stars,
all have more than one child and numerous lovers.
Therefore, these ‘laws’ only apply to ordinary people.”

Tian Li also pointed out that the pension support system
has gone bankrupt in China.
The pensions that people bought sixteen to seventeen years ago
have all been swindled away by the government.
Now the elderly have no support at all.

Not long ago, data from the Beijing based “Forum for Coping
with An Aging Society” showed that
China’s aging speed is three times that of the US,
yet old-age pension accumulation is only 1% of that of the US.
According to the predictions some institutions, the accelerating
aging speed results in a major hole of 8 or 18 trillion RMB in the current pension funds.

The China Economic Times said that the disappearing
demographic dividends, accelerating aging speed and
the potential labor shortages will become
the major challenges to China.

According to Wall Street Journal, since 1980, the
One-Child Policy has reduced 400 million births in China.
A 2010 population census results show that people above the age
of 60 now represent 13.3% of the total, up from 10.3% in 2000.
In the same period, those under the age of 14
(China’s future workers) declined from 23% to 16.6%.
Therefore, China is facing a population crisis.
