【禁闻】民怨四起 公安局长受训学乌坎















采访/刘惠 编辑/李韵 后制/薛莉

Public Security Trains For Mass Discontent

China’s Ministry of Public Security is conducting training
of the 1,400 new Public Security Bureau leaders.
Deputy secretary of Guangdong Provincial Committee and
Chief Politics and Law Committee secretary Zhu Mingguo, who handled the “Wukan” event, gave lectures at the training.
Analysts pointed out those mass incidents are happening
more frequently than in the past,
and the situation is more tense than before,
with the mass incidents in Shifang, Zhongshan and Tianjin, where young people born in the 90s also participated.
With the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s 18th Congress
around the corner, stability is becoming a top priority.
The training of the CCP public security bureau leaders
to learn from the so-called ‘Wukan model’ is just to obtain a temporary stability under disguise.
The real purpose is to maintain the CCP’s
autocratic regime in power.

CCP’s Ministry of Public Security is conducting
three training sessions from June 26 to July 31.
Its purpose is to train the 1,400 new public security
bureau leaders of city and county levels.
Classes include analyses of what a stable situation is,
handling of internet’s pubic opinion and mass incidents, etc.

Instructors include nine leaders from the
Ministry of Public Security and relevant ministries,
plus a dozen of well-known experts in international politics,
macroeconomics, and judicial administration.
Deputy secretary of Guangdong Provincial Committee and
CCP’ secretary of the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC) Zhu Mingguo also gave lectures.

When Zhu arrived at Wukan on May 28, he ordered
to establish an “All New Village Model in the Province.”
During the CCP’s Two Sessions in March, the secretary
of Guangdong Province Wang Yang addressed the issue too.
Wang advised to use the experiences gained in Wukan
to direct village works in the whole province.

Recently Zhu Mingguo visited eight high-level officials
of the PLAC, who praised Guangdong as “creative and ahead of other areas.”

Former Shandong University professor Sun Wenguang
said, with the tide of protest and mass incidents across China,
the CCP’s blind repression will not lead to stability,
no matter what model it uses.

Sun Wenguang: “The CCP authorities want stability,
overriding everything else.
It is gathering people to meet and trying to set up models.
The Wukan model is not enough.
It simply steps back or gives in a little during mass incidents
to figure out the next step. It is the same old way.”

Commentator Zhu Jiaguo points out that learning
from the so-called Wukan model is merely a show.

Zhu Jianguo: “With the recent incidents in Shifang,
Guangdong, Zhongshan and the fire in Tianjin,
mass incidents happen more frequently than before, they are
on a larger scale and include young people from the 1990’s.
So the situation is more serious than ever before.

Also, with the CCP’s 18th Congress coming up,
the CCP feels more urgent to maintain stability.”

Commentator Wu Fan pointed out, no matter what methods
the CCP uses, its goal is to suppress and maintain the power.

Wu Fan: “It creates new policies, principles and methods
to maintain its power, based on the current social situation.
No matter what policies it adopts, its goal does not change.

Where there are conflicts between CCP’s regime and people,
public security bureau leaders serve as CCP’s hatchet men.
Hurting and beating are their basic objectives for
this meeting."
In addition, CCP leadership transition will finish
before the 18th CCP Congress.
Party secretaries of PLAC will no longer be
the leaders of public security bureaus.
Provincial public security bureau leaders are mostly from
other areas and act as deputy leaders in the government.
At the same time, calls to terminate the PLAC
are getting louder.

Analysts think this means public security
can no longer be above court and Procuratorate.

Sun Wenguang pointed out, if the CCP authorities want
true stability, the public security bureaus must follow the law to maintain the social order;
it must stop the bloody suppression of people’s protests,
and allow people to express themselves freely.
