【禁闻】承受无名苦难 呼唤正义良知












前伊藤忠商事(Itochu)企业项目经理李大庆:“你想昨天还在这边工作非常出色,过两天就失去工作之后,很快我的经济方面受到迫害很大,我真的希望大公司,能够做出一些大公司该做出的事情,维护这种普世的价值,能够做最基本的就是尊重个人的信仰,做出一个真正的responsible corporation citizen(负责任的企业公民),如果所有大公司能够坚持自己的原则的话,我想可能我们很多法轮功学员,就不会受到这么大的迫害吧!”








采访/常春 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬

Under Extreme Hardships:
Calling for Justice and Conscience

On July 20 1999, Jiang Zemin and the state machinery
of the Chinese Communist Party began to persecute millions of people who practiced Falun Gong.
During the past thirteen years, the truth of the persecution
has consistently been covered up by the Chinese regime.
Today, some Falun Gong practitioners share their own
experiences of the biggest forbidden news in China today.

In the mid 1980s, Zhang Yijie and her husband was sent
to the Chinese Embassy in Romania as diplomats.
In the 1990s, Zhang Yijie returned to China to serve
as Director of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation General Office.
In 1994, Zhang Yijie began to practice Falun Gong,
also known as Falun Dafa.

Zhang Yijie: “I was in the mainland. I was working as a
general director of the Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Department.
Prior to1999, almost all officials from all departments
practiced Falun Gong, including ministers and directors.”

Two years after Falun Dafa began to spread, even without
much advertising, Zhang Yijie began to practice.
Due to the miraculous health benefits and the strong moral
influence of Falun Dafa, hundreds of millions of people were attracted to this practice.
Thus, the number of practitioners began to exceed
the number of Chinese Communist Party members.

This made the CCP General Secretary
Jiang Zemin very jealous.
On June 10, 1996, under Jiang’s direct command,
a Falun Gong “central processing group” was set up.
This “610 Office” was directly under that group, responsible
for planning and repressing of Falun Gong in large scale.
On July 20 1999, the public security bureau began
to arrest Falun Gong practitioners nationwide.
The persecution became public in China.

Due to this persecution, Zhang Yijie lost her calm, happy life,
and what she had gained from working hard.

Zhang Yijie: “After July 20 1999, my entire department placed
full pressure on me for 9 months. This came from all levels.
I clarified the truth to them and persisted with my belief
to show that I would adhere to my faith and never give it up.
After 9 months, they expelled me from the party.

They dismissed me from being a civil servant and a director.
Finally I was dismissed from the civil service.”

In June 2001, the Beijing Public Security Bureau illegally
sentenced Zhang Yijie to 18 months of forced labor.
This was under the direction of Li Lanqing,
the director of the “610 Office".
In the forced labor camp, Zhang was beaten and tortured inhumanly.
She was punished with10 months of additional sentences.

Zhang Yijie: “There is a torture method
called ‘Cooking an Eagle’.
This is depriving you of sleep and not allowing
you to blink your eyes, day or night.
Meanwhile, they brainwash you
and torture you with different means.
The first time I was tortured in that way was for 18 consecutive
days. The second time was for 42 consecutive days.”

However, Zhang Yijie kept her strong faith
and came out of the forced labor camp.
She came to the United States with assistance from the
international community. She now lives in New York.

Zhang Yijie: “Fortunately, I did not lose my mind or die.
I still live soberly, so I can be a witness for this evil persecution."

Li Daqing was a project manager in the Itochu company.

Like Zhang Yijie, he did not give up his faith towards
“truthfulness, compassion and forbearance.”
At the start of the persecution, the CCP implemented
a strategy towards Falun Gong practitioners.
This was “ruining their reputation, damaging
them financially and eliminating them physically.”
When his company started to put pressure on him
to renounce the faith, he was forced to leave the company.

Li Daqing: “You are doing a good yesterday, but two days
later you have lost your job. I suffered a great deal financially.
I really hope to see the right things
being done by a big company like mine.
They would support universal values, and respect
freedom of belief etc, and behave like a real big company.
If big companies can all stand up for their own principles,

I believe that Falun Gong practitioners would not encounter
such an enormous persecution.”

In addition to spiritual, physical and economic persecution
against Falun Gong practitioners,
the CCP spread propaganda within China, and internationally,
such as the “Tiananmen self-immolation”, and “1400 cases of suicide".
Later they were confirmed to be framing news.
Thus, the average citizens were fooled by lies.

Xu Yin, former Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
at Tsinghua University, commented.
Xu said that Falun Gong is not superstition,
as according to the CCP’s propaganda.
On the contrary, its principles won
the hearts of many senior intellectuals.
When he was practicing in 1995, there were at least
400 Falun Gong practitioners in “Tsinghua University.”
This included former vice-principals,
as well as many teachers and students.

Xu Yin: “Among Falun Gong practitioners, there are different
ages, spiritual levels, background and life experience.
In fact, their life perplexities are all different.

However, after listening to the Falun Gong Master’s
lectures, all problems were resolved.
What kind of power could that be? I cannot
tell you now, as you’ll know only after you practice it.”

Xu Yin practiced to pursue the truth of life,
rather than any political purpose.
Despitre this, he was sentenced to two years
in a forced labor camp.
He was subjected to various methods of torture,
and came to the United States after being released in 2008.

Xu Yin: “Falun Gong teaches people to be good, virtuous
and to follow universal values of traditional Chinese culture.
Unfortunately, it has been persecuted for 13 years in China."

These three stories of three Falun Gong practitioners
are just the tip of the iceberg of millions of similar stories.
Over the past 13 years, the CCP has continued
its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

In order to follow the principles of “truthfulness, compassion
and forbearance”,
Falun Gong practitioners around the world
are busy clarifying the truth of the persecution.
In their gatherings, they often use banners:
“Under extreme hardships, calling for justice and conscience.”
They appeal to people’s conscience to face evil together
and to stop this persecution.
