
【新唐人2012年8月9日讯】有关重庆前市委书记薄熙来妻子谷开来,涉嫌杀害英商海伍德案的开庭审理,全世界都在关注,海伍德的母亲 Ann Heywood日前接受美国《洛杉矶时报》访问时说:“我所知道的就是:中国没有人权。”至于谷开来将面临什么样的刑罚,全球都在密切注意。


北京律师 唐吉田:“原则出发是应该让世人所关注的这个案件的进程,特别是开庭审理这样的一个重要的环节,能够为公众所便捷的去掌握。”



《中国事务》主编 伍凡:“你不要去给它讲法律,没有用的,法律就是在它们手上,所以明文规定的法律现在是行不通的,更何况国际法更行不通。所以,在这个法律里面,它会用各种各样的措施挡掉。”



时事评论员 汪北稷:“因为薄熙来的力量——在中共党内世袭的,来自于血统的力量,是非常强大的,但是把这些真实资料,包括外间所关注的活摘器官、迫害法轮功学员,包括在辽宁的、大连的、重庆的、政治上的、社会上那种非常恶劣的做法,如果全部公布,中共明天就得宣告解体。”



采访编辑/唐睿 后制/黎安安

The World Is Watching Development of Gu Kailai Trial.

The world is watching the murder trial of Gu Kailai,
wife of former Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai.
Gu Kailai is suspected of killing
British businessmen Neil Heywood.
Neil Heywood’s mother, Ann Heywood has
commented in an interview with the Los Angeles Times.
“There are no human rights in China,
of which I’m totally aware."
The world is watching closely what kind
of penalty Gu Kailai will receive.

Hefei Intermediate People’s Court has scheduled
Gu Kailai’s trial hearing on August 9.
Many Hefei residents have expressed on the internet
that the hearing notice was not seen anywhere.
It is not even on the official court website.

Beijing lawyer Tang Jitian: “The point is the procedure
involved in such a popular case.
The hearing should especially be made
easily accessible to the public."

Bo’s house servant, Zhang Xiaojun,
is also one of the defendants.
Zhang’s family has hired Li Xiaojun, a well-known
Beijing criminal lawyer, to defend him.
It was reported that last month the prosecutor refused
Zhang’s family and lawyer from visiting him.
It was reported that the government’s public defender’s
office has appointed a lawyer for Zhang Xiaojun.

China Affairs magazine editor Wu Fan indicates

that the authorities appointed lawyer will only serve
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Court.
That is, all is determined
by the will of the CCP officials.

Wu Fan: “Talking about law is useless.
The law is in their hands.
Law won’t work, and international law is even worthless.
They will block off the law by all means."

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post reported
information according to an anonymous source.
Gu Kailai was calm, and admitted her guilt for alleged
murder, corruption and the transfer of assets overseas.
However, Gu Kailai is only charged with intent of homicide.
The economic crimes were not mentioned.

Commentator Wang Beijie indicates that exposing all crimes
that Bo Xilai, Gu Kailai, and Zhang Xiaojun have committed will result in the CCP’s dissolution the following day.

Wang Beijie: “Bo Xilai’s power comes from his hereditary
position in the CCP, and his family origin.
Revealing facts about live organ harvesting,
the persecution of Falun Gong,
and all the crimes he’s committed during his posts in Liaoning,
Dalian, and Chongqing will cause the disintegration of the CCP the next day."

In addition, Gu Kailai’s son Bo Guagua told the CNN that
he provided a witness statement to the defense team.
He wrote in an e-mail, “As I was cited as a motivating
factor for the crimes accused of my mother,
I have already submitted my witness statement.

I hope that my mother will have the
opportunity to review them."
Bo Guagua did not specify what
he wrote in the witness statement.

Wang Beijie believes people all over the world will be
watching the trial, and how the CCP is handling this case.
