【禁闻】陆6人家庭4人入狱 苍天也落泪



















采访编辑/唐睿 后制/葛雷

‘Heaven’s Tears For This Family’

In mainland China, the CCP’s (China’s Communist Party)
brutal persecution results in destroying many happy families.
‘Heaven’s Tears for this Family’ is one of the recent themes
on the Falun Gong’s website Minghui.org.
It reported again about the miserable experience
of Yang Lijuan’s family from Liaoning, Tieling.

In 1996, Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) spread to Dadianzi town,
Tieling county, Liaoning province.
All six members of Yang Lijuan’s family
started to practice Falun Dafa cultivation.
After her two sons Dong Qinyu and Dong Qinfei began
practicing Falun Dafa, their health issues were quickly gone.
Her daughter-in-law, Gao Jie had a brain tumor,
and was also healed by practicing Falun Dafa.

However, in July 1999, the CCP started its suppression
of Falun Gong, and the heaven seems to cry about this family.
Currently, the 65-year-old Yang Lijuan has to take care
of the grandchildren, to farm, and also to take care of her daughter-in-law, Gao Jie, who is paralyzed.

The brothers Qinyu and Qinfei, and the wife, benefiting all
mentally and physically from Falun Dafa, went to Beijing to petition and clarify the truth about Falun Gong.
However, they were accused of ‘disturbing the social order’
and were illegally sent to a labor camp.

Falun Dafa’s Minghui.org reported about them, that so far
they haven’t been home for 13 years for the New Year.
During these 13 years, what kind of persecution did they
underwent? In fact, it is impossible to know exactly.
But the majority of the villagers
are witnessing the hardships of this family.

It is reported that in Tieling labor center, Qinyu, Qinfei,
and other Falun Gong practitioners are frequently subjected to beatings from police and prisoners.

The Tieling citizen Jiang Lijun said that many Falun Gong
practitioners and other petitioners were sent to labor camps.

Jiang Lijun: “We feel that these people being sent to labor
camps without a trial is a serious human rights violation."

Zhejiang’democrat Zou Wei said, Falun Gong practitioners’
persecution must be condemned, and the crimes ended as soon as possible.

Zou Wei:"I was particularly uncomfortable with,
and sympathetic to Falun Gong practitioners’ persecution.
Because these people are good people,
most of them are doing good deeds.
We know that Falun Gong as a group,
is the most persecuted group.
A lot of people were put into labor camps and detained.
This is unendurable."

It is reported that Dong Qinyu’s wife Gao Jie was a doctor
with a medical clinic, and quite well known among villagers.
However, Gao Jie herself
was suffering from a brain tumor.
After many treatments, including a surgical treatment,
she did not get better.
Then Gao Jie started practicing Falun Dafa,
and her disease magically disappeared.

However, when Dong Qinyu and Dong Qinfei were released
from the labor camp, the police came and raided their home.
They forced them to give up Falun Dafa,
and threaten to take away their land.
Gao Jie’s clinic was illegally sealed,
so both families run into economic difficulties.
To escape from the persecution,
the two couples have relocated.

In March 2002, Dong Qinfei was kidnapped by the Public
Security Bureau and kept in the Fushun detention center.
While in the center, his back, two feet,
and an arm were fractured from the torture.
To force Dong give up his faith, police hit his gypsum legs,
stuffed his mouth with feces, almost strangled him to death.

Dong Qinfei was sentenced to 13 years imprisonment,
and is still being held at Shenyang First Prison.

His brother Qinyu is detained illegally in Panjin Prison.

Gao Jie is paralyzed and has lost ability to speak
and her memory because of the persecution of the CCP.

Beijing lawyer Jiang Tianyong said that the CCP
initially used the media to slander Falun Gong.
Now, because they fear people are starting to know the truth,
the media is no longer reporting about Falun Gong.
However, the CCP’s persecution
of Falun Gong is still very severe.

Jiang Tianyong:"The treatment of this group of people
in the prisons is very bad.
For the rest the sentence will have a deadline, and they’ll be
released, but these people probably cannot come out."

Lawyer Jiang Tianyong hopes that more people can pay
attention to the persecution of human rights by the CCP.
And that more people who specialize in Law
could participate, and defend the justice together.
