【禁闻】一记耳光的故事 背后隐藏了什么?




华府中国问题专家 章天亮:“在审判王立军时谈到王立军乱用职权,非法监听他人,这个他人到底是谁?大家都在传,薄熙来和周永康联合要搞掉习近平,为了达到这个目地的话,他们不光是监听中共高层他们的行踪、他们的谈话,而且他们收买军队,做了很多这样的准备。”



据“追查迫害法轮功国际组织”取证, 周永康、薄熙来、谷开来及王立军都是迫害法轮功和活摘法轮功学员的罪魁祸首。不过在中共审理谷开来和王立军时,却只字不提。

《新华社》的文章发表后,王立军挨打的这一记耳光迅速成为网路热点,微博网友 “连岳”对此评论说:不厚(薄)书记不打王立军一耳光,他就上位了,中国再来个文革概率就大多了。







采访编辑/刘惠 后制/孙宁

What is behind ‘a slapped in the face’?

After the trial of former Chongqing Vice Mayor Wang Lijun,

the Chinese Communist Party state media published
an article giving a detailed account of the trial.
The court heard the whole story,
including how Bo slapped Wang Lijun in the face,
resulting in Wang Lijun fleeing to the U.S. Consulate,
causing concern for Chinese people.
It has also attracted the attention
of international media and analysts.
This is seen as a slap in the face of history again, in order
to escape the doom of another Cultural Revolution in China.
Let’s hear experts discuss the power
struggles behind the conspiracy.

Xinhua News Agency published a 6000 word article,
which released the details about Wang Lijun’s trial.
It said that Wang reported to then Chongqing’s CCP
chief leader on suspicions of a murder by Gu Kailai.
Wang was reportedly “slapped in the face”.

Washington-based China expert Zhang Tianliang thinks
there are bigger secrets under the Wang Lijun incident.
Why did Wang Lijun, having been ‘slapped’,
flee to the U.S. Consulate to seek asylum.
Why did he not complain to his boss Zhou Yongkang?

How did Bo Xilai risk creating a diplomatic disturbance,
and besiege the U.S. Consulate to capture Wang Lijun?

Zhang Tianliang: “In court, Wang was charged with abuse
of power, by illegally intercepting others’ phone calls.
Then who are the “others” that were stated?

It was rumored that Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang
plotted to overthrow Xi Jiniping.
In order to achieve this aim, they intercepted top CCP
leaders’ conversations, and traced their whereabouts.
Also, they bought off army senior officers to acquire
military forces, so much preparation work had been done."

Zhang Tianliang remarked that Jiang Zeming, in fear
of being brought to justice for persecuting Falun Gong,
placed his men into top leadership positions,
which gave great power to Zhou Yongkang.
Zhou Yongkang’s coup plot aimed to replace Xi Jinping
with Bo Xilai, a main culprit for persecuting Falun Gong.
The reason behind it was the same
as Jiang Zemin empowering Zhou.

Zhang Tianliang: “He feared so much
that the persecution of Falun Gong would fail.
That meant all their crimes against Falun Gong
would be exposed to the public.
Zhou Yongkang knew that he had to grab power
of the CCP Central Politics and Law Commission.
This power would help him cover up all those crimes,
including live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.
Corruption is not the key point, but their crimes against
humanity, which is what he fears most will be revealed."

The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution
of Falun Gong has obtained some evidence, proving that
Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai, Gu Kailai and Wang Lijun are
all strongly involved in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.
They were also involved in harvesting their live organs.

However, none of these crimes were mentioned
in the trials of Gu Kailai, nor of Wang Lijun.

A slap in Wang’s face swiftly became a hot topic
for online discussion, after Xinhua published the article.
Netizen Lianyue posted a statement, “if Party chief Bo
did not slap Wang Lijun, he would be playing his original role.
In that case, there would be a bigger chance
in China of launching a Cultural Revolution.”

Another netizen posted satirically, “Without this historic slap,
the next to-be-slapped person might be we Chinese civilians.
Then history would repeat itself again."

Beijing-based critic Hua Po thinks that Bo Xilai’s slap
heavily impacted the rising far-left wing of the CCP.

Hua Po: “The leftists had planned and began to act,
and Bo Xilai had set up his supporters.
Wen Jiabao once warned that China has been in danger
of reviving the Cultural Revolution.
So Bo’s slap temporarily shattered this danger,
which was the historical significance that I meant.
The slap compelled ultra-left wing and hard-left wing to
give up their efforts, but they haven’t completely stopped."

Hua Po cited Han Deqiang, an Associate Professor
at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
who slapped the face of an 80 year old man in public.

Hua Po says that Han and Bo Xilai’s slap are both the same,
showing the violent and tyrannical nature of the Leftists’.
Hua Po comments that Wang Lijun, with his life at stake,
sought the help from the U.S., who are the CCP’s rivals.
This was instead of asking help of the CCP regime.

This really constituted a great satire upon
the existing CCP political system, says Hua Po.

Hua Po: “This also evidently shows
how brutal the CCP ruling system is.
In this system, members can be as close as brothers
today, and can become enemies tomorrow.
They use the most brutal tactics to dispose of their
enemies, which were used not only by the CCP.
They have been used by all communist regimes.

I believe this is the inevitable outcome of Marxism-Leninism,
and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat."

Hua Po stated that Xinhua’s article alluding to Bo,
after Wang Lijun case is over, Bo would be bring to the judicial processing.
