





美国纽约民主人士 穆文斌:“至少他们曾经被打倒过,吃过毛左派的苦头,所以他肯定不希望看到毛左派上台的。”







采访/常春 编辑/周平 后制/萧宇

Is Xi Jinping Ready?

Chinese Communist Party’ (CCP) Politburo made a decision
on settling Bo Xilai’s case before its 18th Congress.
This is viewed as a victory of Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping.

Bo Xilai is the son of CCP’s veteran Bo Yibo, and was
once considered a strong Xi Jinping’ rival for the top post.
Recently overseas media reported Xi Jinping’s experiences
as cadre in Zhengding County, Hebei Province in the 80’s.
The reports stated, settling in rural areas and a princelings’
background are key CCP criteria for choosing its leaders.
Xi Jinping’s experience in Zhengding apparently meets
the condition of settling in rural areas.
But this upcoming leader from the princelings’ group
faces many internal, diplomatic and economic challenges.
His next steps will determine the future
of China’s 1.3 billion people. Is Xi Jinping ready?

The New York Times reported that 30 years ago,
Xi Jinping encountered some resistance in Beijing.
Thus his father, the CCP veteran Xi Zhongxun,
transferred him to Zhengding Village in Hebei Province.
Xi Jinping’s experience there helped him establish
an alliance with other members of the “princelings group," which played a considerable role in the future.

The report says, Xi Jinping’s most prominent achievements
in Zhengding is related to economic and personal relations.
It opened up a window
towards his political career.
However, HK analyst Jin Zhong told New York Times,
that most people think Xi is a leader of the new generation.
Yet, Jin thinks Xi is merely a “red bureaucracy continuation”
of his father’s generation.

When Xi Zhongxun was ousted in the Cultural Revolution,
Xi Jinping was under 16 years of age.
He was forced to join the farmers
at north Sha’an Xi Province.
From 1969 to 1975, Xi Jinping worked as a farmer there,
and was once the party secretary of the local production team.
He was recommended for admission
to Tsinghua University in 1975.

Mu Wenbin is a democracy activist and deputy secretary
of China Democracy Party National Alliance Headquarter.
Mu expressed that Xi Jinping experienced people’s hardship
when he was at the grassroots level.
His work at Fujian Province and Zhejiang Province
were also down to earth.

Mu Wenbin: “They were once overthrown.
They suffered from the Maoists and leftists.
So they absolutely do not want
those people to take the power again.”

Freelancer Liu Nianchun told NTD,
that indeed, Xi Jinping had suffered as a teenager.
And exactly because Xi is aware of the CCP’s cruelty,
he may say and do things more cautiously.
The current CCP crises is rooted deeply in the CCP regime,
and has little to do with the replacement of CCP leaders.

Liu Nanchun: “No matter what CCP does, if not monitored,
or controlled, China will be as before, full of disasters.
The 500,000 intellectuals were labeled as “rightists”
and persecuted without any legal process.”

Experts said, both current and future CCP leaders have felt,
that today’s China crises might be more direct and urgent, than those the Qing government faced 100 years ago.
For example, many industries in China have overproduction,
but the CCP continues to create fake GDP.
The commitment to 8% economic growth
has become difficult to achieve.
On the other hand, the money CCP used to stimulate
economy caused huge waste and duplication of investment.

Yang Jing, April 5th Forum establisher, said about the issue:
“People do not care about past experiences, but want to see how things will be done now.
They want to see if the CCP has changed,
can do good things, and stand together with the people.
If it has the courage and solutions to solve the problems
of the current complex situation.”

Another aspect of CCP’s inner affairs and infightings stirred
by Wang Lijun’ and Bo Xilai’s cases, is the Falun Gong issue.
Will Xi Jinping have the needed courage
to face this issue?

Analysts seem pessimistic on the prospects of Hu Jintao’s,
or the announced after CCP’s 18th congress new leadership, doing something different on this sensitive issue.
