














采访/李韵 编辑/尚燕 后制/黎安安

Interpretation of Chongqing’s Luxury Watch Scandals

China’s internet made a wave in anti-corruption not
long ago. It disclosed a scandal involving luxury watches.
The scandals involved Sun Zhengcai, Chongqing’s
new Party chief, and He Ting, the new police chief.
Both were accused of wearing different
luxury watches on different public occasions.
Hong Kong’s media analyzed that both Sun
and He were targeted for having openly negated Bo Xilai’s “Chongqing Model”.
Thus, both Sun and He infuriated the grassroots
leftist forces of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

After He Ting, Chongqing’s new Party chief Sun Zhengcai
was disclosed days ago for owning luxury watches.
Sun Zhengcai has been found with at least 10 luxury
watches, according to Chinese netizens’ online search.
Sun’s daughter was found to have attended
an expensive private U.S. university.
Netizens questioned how Sun can afford the tuition fee
with his annual income of the Minister of Agriculture.

Among the newly appointed CCP officials, why
were these two CCP officials targeted first?

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily commented
on this issue on January 2, 2013.
It analyzed that before finding his feet in Chongqing,
Sun Zhencai openly denied Bo Xilai’s “Chongqing Model”.
Sun also allowed the liberal media to unearth
scandals of Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun.
He Ting spoke in public that public security work
was “abnormal” under the leadership of Wang Lijun.
The Hong Kong article reviewed that all these
have infuriated the CCP grassroots leftists.
Now the leftists have lost power in media, but through the
internet, they exposed Sun Zhengcai and He Ting scandals.

Liu Yinquan, chair of US-based Chinese Social Democratic
Party, views it as retaliation from the Bo Xilai faction.

Liu Yinquan: “Since Sun Zhengcai took office in Chongqing,
he has removed several local officials including Lei Zhengfu.
I think the remnants of Bo’s faction and other forces would
do everything possible to slander and combating Sun.
It was just the same as what they
did against Ling Jihua not long ago.”

Political observer Hua Po says that the fight
against both Sun and He does not eliminate the
likelihood of netizens’ campaigns against corruption.

It might be exploited by the political
opponents of both Sun and He.

Hua Po: “One attributing factor for the recent exposure
of the scandals of Sun Zhengcai and He Ting was netizens’
enthusiasm for anti-corruption, and actively providing clues.

The second reason may be infighting among CCP factions.

After He Ting came to reign in Chongqing, he
redressed some unjust cases of victims of police
that were originally mishandled by Wang Lijun.
He also removed Bo Xilai’s cronies from key positions.”

Three days after taking office in Chongqing, Sun Zhengcai
took down Lei Zhenfu for his exposed sex scandals.
Today, Sun himself is also accused of corruption on the
internet. How will the CCP regime deal with this case?

Hua Po: “The CCP will certainly shield him.

Officials whom neitizens have informed on
will only be as high as department-level ranks.
Scandals of higher-level officials won’t
be allowed to appear on the internet.
For example, Lanzhou’s Party chief was also exposed
in a luxury watch scandal, but was soon glossed over.
There are other cases, like of Liu Tienan and of Yi Junqing.

So, I think the cases of He Ting and
Sun Zhencai will be handled likewise.”

Liu Yinquan: “The CCP officialdom has been corrupt
to the core, and these officials are all involved, I believe.
But they won’t be likely to be removed from office,
for that will dampen down their enthusiasm.
The exposure may be used to enable them to withdraw
from this plight in protection of their personal interest.
But it’s not likely to truly sack them, I think.”

Sun Zhengcai was widely deemed Wen Jiabao’s successor.

Since Bo Xilai’s scandal was exposed to the public,
the conflict between Wen Jiabao and Zhou Yongkang,
patron of Bo Xilai, has become intensified.

Wen has insisted on conducting a
thorough investigation of Bo Xilai.
Later, Wen himself was reportedly accused of been
involved in “huge corruption", with his family members’ wealth worth around US$ 2.7 Billion.

Hua Po: “It’s hard to say any CCP official is incorruptible.

That’s why Xi Jinping said, “The metal
itself must be hard to be turned into iron.’
That is, very few CCP officials can
conduct themselves honorably.”

Oriental Daily reported that this exposure has proved that
for the officialdom, “crows under the sun are all black”.
It commented that the CCP purging
Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun at best only ousted two out of a group of villains.
