【禁闻】“十六条”控制 更甚“七不讲”






5月上旬,网上传出中共当局对高校教师下达“七个不要讲”内容,要求教师教学中不要讲“普世价值、 新闻自由、公民社会、公民权利、中共的历史错误、权贵资产阶级、司法独立”等。



时事评论员 林子旭:“中共撰文要求加强青年教师的思想政治工作,文章里甚至用到了高度重视、切实加强等词汇,这就是中共很明显的在告诉大家,当下学校里的青年教师的思想已经严重偏离了‘伟、光、正’,这让中共非常的恐惧,因为老师对整个社会的下一代影响非常大,这些老师的思想引导,就决定了中共的意识形态是不是还能继续维持的问题。”




采访编辑/常春 后制/王明宇

The CCP’s"Sixteen Recommendations" more Censors on Expression

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has imposed
the “Seven will not Speak"policy.
Following “Seven Don’t Mentions", the Central Committee’s
Organization Department, Propaganda Department and
the Ministry of Education jointly issued “16 recommendations"
which were published by several Chinese media.
The advise is to strengthen young professors’ ideological
and political works in the universities.
Analysts said that apart from “Seven Don’t Mentions",

the “16 recommendations" more directly expresses
the CCP’s intention on mind control.

On 4th May, “Advice on Strengthening and
Improving Young Professors’Ideological and
Political Works” (ADVICE) was issued.

ADVICE states: Some young professors confused
in political and ideology beliefs, professional emotion
and ethics have faded, thus,
they can’t serve as a model of virtue.
ADVICE stressed that the relative-levels must
strengthen the management and control.
It requires professors to strengthen the study of political
theory, deeply carrying out education of Marxism-Leninism,
Mao Zedong Thought and Chinese characteristic socialism.

As well as carrying out an in-depth study and
practicing the scientific development concept.

Xu Hongbin, a teacher in Zhumadian, Henan Province said that

the moves indicated that the CCP designed further
strengthening on ideological control.
Its purpose is to emphasize the CCP’s leadership.

Xu Hongbin: “It is a method the CCP uses to
strengthen the control of thought.
The question arises, whether it is connected with
the previous “Seven Don’t Mentions"?
Young professors seem to have active thinking,
the CCP may fear this based on universal values.
However, in this regard, we think it isn’t correct
to make any efforts in this direction.
They should focus on corruption issues."

In early May, the policy of “Seven Don’t Mentions" that
the CCP has imposed on university professors,
has been circulating on the internet.
It has instructed the professors not to teach seven subjects,
including “universal value, freedom of press, civil society,
citizen rights, past mistakes of the CCP, the privileged
capitalist class and judicial independence.

Sources said that"Seven Don’t Mentions"document
was issued down to the county-level.
Document stated that, to teach"universal value,
is to get rid of the Party-leadership;
The idea of “civil society" establishes
new political forces outside the CCP;
The “neo-liberalism" philosophy is
to go against the state macro-control;
Promotion of the “Western news concept" is to rule out
the CCP has consistently adhered on media control, and
is to follow the Soviet Union’s implementation of
openness reform,
as well as to mess up the CCP and
disturb society with public opinion.

Lin Zixu, current affairs commentator said that people can find
a theory from this: when the CCP emphasizes something,
it means the weakness on that area is more weakened,
furthermore, the CCP is facing a crisis.

Lin Zixu:"The CCP issues a document for young professors
to strengthen ideological and political works.
The document even uses words of “pay high attention"
and"earnestly strengthening".
It obviously tells everyone that, currently, in the universities,

young professors’ minds have seriously deviated from the CCP’s
so-called ways of always being “Great, Glorious and Correct. “

Lin Zixu said that when he studied at university,
he noticed that the majority of young professors had independent thought.
No matter which course of professors,
when they get familiar with students,
they would share their criticism from
their heart about current affairs.
The students were very interested in these topics.

Lin Zixu: “Nowadays, the network is very advanced,
each young professor almost has a smart phone in hand.
They read microblogs with their thoughts
being very active and open.
After they read the outside world’s information,
the CCP’s propaganda becomes rubbish in their mind.
Put it simply, the CCP’s ideology contradicts with
the one from the free world. It is the CCP and humanity’s contradiction.
The CCP’s garbage ideology which even itself doesn’t believe,
is finding it impossible locate a market."

Teng Biao, a young lecturer in China University of
Political Science told Deutsche Welle that recently,
the Chinese regime constantly promotes
“Seven Don’t Mentions" via its writers,
including the promotion of its “16 recommendations".

It indicates the CCP worries that free expression in
the networking era is beyond its control.

Teng Biao said that in any normal and healthy society,
politics wouldn’t interfere and control the academic field.
Teng said that in a normal society, it is impossible
to use one ideology to control the entire education,
press and propaganda systems.
Only within the CCP’s system, the CCP thought it is
necessary to control expression and unify thought.
