【禁闻】党媒再提意识形态斗争 网路主战场





杭州自由作家陈树庆:“因为很多领导干部对中国的现状,对官场的腐败都是深知肚明的, 如果站出来说谎话,那么网民所掌握的事实,或者根据对日常生活的逻辑推理,能推断出来他说的是谎话,那么民众对他不客气。到时候一旦社会舆论大的话,共产党当然会出卖他,牺牲了他,不会来保护他们。”





党媒文章还强调,对一些人宣扬的“普世价值”、“宪政民主”、“新闻自由”等论调的一定要严抓、严管,不给任何空间。 对此,原大陆史学教授刘因全认为,普世价值是整个人类文化的精华,宪政民主也不单单是西方所有,通过互联网,越来越多的中国人开始接受普世价值,在政治制度方面逐步的走向宪政民主,这恰恰与中共专制制度及它所提倡的马列毛主义完全对立,因此中共才不遗余力的灭杀“普世价值”和“宪政民主”,妄图垂死挣扎。

采访/ 陈汉 编辑/ 张天宇 后制/钟元

China’s State Media Urge To Control On Internet Expression

Recently, China state-owned media constantly
urged officials to tighten up the control of ideology.
The message requested officials to consider the issue
as a top priority and
suggested arresting people who promote “universal value",
“constitutional system" and “freedom of expression".
They encourage officials to arrest, control and
not show tolerance to the offenders.
Analysts believe that this move indicates the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) faces a crisis of its legitimacy
and credibility, which has caused the CCP leadership panic,
so the CCP intends to try one last struggle before its collapse.

On Sept. 2, the People’s Daily and Beijing Daily published
editorial articles regarding the control on people’s thoughts.
Both mentioned that the CCP members must strengthen up
on the ideological struggle.
For “negative public opinion” online,
they must arrest and control, shouldn’t let it exist.

Zhu Jianguo, Chinese political column writer: “Now
the CCP wants to re-establish the ideological struggle,
which is a class struggle based on Marxism-Leninism’s
class struggle theory.
This move indicates that class struggle likely returns.

It also shows Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang’s new administrative
intention of resuming Mao Zedong’s leftism."

The CCP media said that many officials encountered problems,
but they dared not say anything. They worried about punishment.
The report said the reason of existence of “negative public views"
is, the officials indulged extreme rhetoric and extreme thought.
Some netizens questioned, why officials let public opinion stir
up, worsening the social conflict, they have shied away from it?

Chen Shuqing, Hangzhou writer: “Many officials clearly
knew about cadres’ current status and its corruption.
If cadres tell lies, netizens know the truth, then people can judge
from their daily experiences, summarizing the cadres’ lies.
Once the public opinion fights the cadres, the CCP will
get rid of them, it won’t protect them."

Beijing Daily said that the social network has
become major battlefield of ideological struggle.
The online struggle is top priority among
the ideological struggle.

Liu Yinquan, former historian in Mainland China:
“The CCP ideology is still Marxism-Leninism theory and Mao Zedong’s thoughts,
and is difficult to deceive the people with.
Civilians have seen through CCP’s evil nature.
In order to maintain its power,
the CCP suppressed the dissidents,
cracked down the opposite opinions and controls
the Internet, continuing to cheat the Chinese people."

Both articles criticized “Western anti-China forces".

However, netizens said that the CCP officials and privilege
groups’ exploitation and oppression over the civilians are the
leading cause of the social conflicts and mass protests.
People are increasingly dissatisfied with
the one-party dictatorship.
The CCP classified online “negative public opinion" as
“Western anti-China forces".
It is obviously to shift its responsibilities.

Chen Shuqing: “I think, “Western anti-China forces",
the concept isn’t correct.
Many people are concerned about the China affairs,
also concerned for the Chinese people’s interests.
They are friendly to the Chinese people.

The CCP’s privilege can’t represent the
Chinese people’s interests.
To be against the CCP doesn’t mean to be
against the Chinese people.
Country is country, the CCP is the CCP. The CCP always
mislabels it, in order to maintain its privilege interests."

The CCP media also emphasized arresting those
who promote “universal value","constitutional system","freedom of expression".
Liu Yinquan said that “universal value" is the essence of human
culture,"constitutional system" is not just for Western countries.
Now more and more Chinese people via the Internet
come to accept “universal value".
In the political system aspect, it gradually moves to a
democracy constitutional system.
It precisely opposite the CCP dictatorship and
So the CCP used all the means to crackdown on “universal
value","constitutional system" and “freedom of expression".
It attempts to do one last struggle before its collapse.
