【禁闻】朝鲜重要人物叛逃 寻求韩国庇护

【新唐人2013年12月07日讯】中共悼曼德拉之词 遭网友吐槽





朝鲜重要人物叛逃 寻求韩国庇护













Chinese Netizens Ridicule the Chinese Communist Party
Mourning Message For Mandela

The death of former South African president, Nelson Mandela,
is mourned by the world, including the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP).

Chinese netizens also pay honor to the famous figure
as a freedom fighter and democrat.

As the CCP announced its mourning message, it said
“Mandela was an old friend of the Chinese people".
Such a statement was then questioned by Chinese netizens.

Some commented that, the phrasing was more frequently
used on individuals such as the deceased North Korean
leader Kim Il Sung.

Another netizen said, ironically, the CCP could on one hand
mourn foreign democrats but on the other hand continuously
suppress dissidents and democrats in their own country.

An Important Insider Defected from North Korea,
Currently Seeking Asylum in South Korea

According to Reuters, Korean media quoted informed sources
on Dec 6 that, an aide of Jang Song Thaek, North Korean
leader Kim Jong Un’s uncle, had escaped to China and was
seeking asylum in South Korea.

Jang Song Thaek was widely seen as the second most powerful
individual in North Korea.
The National Intelligence Service (NIS) of South Korea
revealed that last month Jang was dismissed from his posts,
including vice chairman of the National Defense Commission
and department head of the ruling Workers’ Party.
Two of his confidants were also publicly executed.

South Korea’s YTN news reported that, the escaped aid
in charge of Jang Song Thaek’s funds had applied for
political asylum in South Korea.

Currently he stayed at a secret place in China, under
protection of South Korean officials.
It was also said that that person knew all about
Kim Jong Un family’s financial conditions.

The report said, once the news was verified, that would be
the most serious defection from North Korea in many years.

On the other hand, a spokesman for South Korea’s Unification
Ministry, Kim Eui-do said the report could not be confirmed.

The Chinese Communist Party Will Expel 20
Foreign Journalists At The End of 2013

The New York Times reported on Dec 6 that, 20 foreign
journalists would be forced to leave China by the end of
2013 because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) refused
to renew their visas.

During his visit to China on Thursday, US vice president
Biden met with journalists of New York Times and Bloomberg
in Beijing.

He told them that he had delivered warning messages to
the CCP leaders both in formal talks and evening receptions.
Biden said, if the CCP forced journalists out of China, it
had to be prepared for all kinds of consequences, especially
responses from the US Congress.

On the other hand, Biden also said president Xi Jinping
had ignored his warnings, insisting that the party had been
managing foreign media “according to law and regulations".

A total of 24 journalists’ Chinese visas will expire by
the end of 2013.
They work for either New York Times or Bloomberg.
However, the CCP refused to renew their visas.

The same article said, Beijing was unhappy with those two
American media as they made reports about corruptions
among the party’s high-level officials.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
