【禁闻】习近平遇困局 军队第二次集体发声


















采访/易如 编辑/宋风 后制/孙宁

High-rank military officials speak again supporting Xi Jinping who is in a predicament.

in recent days, 17 deputy high-rank military officials published articles supporting the Chairman of the Central Military Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Xi Jinping.This is the second time “expressing loyalty to Xi"by high-rank military officials after 18 high-rank principal officials including Principal Commanders of 7 Military Regions expressed their attitude of support for Xi Jinping on April 2nd.

What is the inside reason forsuch a frequent “expressing loyalty to Xi" in the military? Please watch the report.

On April 18, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Daily published articles written by high-rank military officials of 7 Military Regions and 4 Headquarter Departments,and called for indepth studying and implementing of the key statements about national defense and military development given by the Chairman
of the CCP’s Central Military Committee Xi Jinping.

The articles’ authors are mainly Deputy Commanders,Deputy Commissars and Principal Political Directors of 7 Military Regions including Deputy Commissar
and Principal Political Director of Beijing Military Region Chen Tongyi,
Deputy Commander of Shenyang Military Region Wang Xixin and Deputy Commander of Jinan Military Region Wang Jun.

Around two weeks ago, 18 high-rank principal officials including Member of Central Military Committee and Top Commander of the Air Force Ma Xiaotian,
and Principal Commander of 7 Military Regions together published their articles in Liberation Army Daily and upheld the leadership of Xi Jinping.

US-based Chinese media “China’s Affairs" Chief-Editor Mr Wu Fan: “For Xi Jinping, he is facing extremely huge difficulties due to his anti-corruption
and catching big and small tigers policy.All his political enemies including Jiang Zemin,Zeng Qinghong and Zhou Yongkang are attacking him in retaliation.
So he has to control the situation by relying on military forces."

Mr Wu Fan says, Xi Jinping intends to use military forces to frighten those political enemies and ensure the situation is under his control again.

Major General Xu Guangyu, the Ex-Deputy Chancellor of PLA Institute of Chemical Defense, told Hong Kong Takungpao Website,such a large-scale expression of attitudes to uphold the Chairman of Central Military Committee
by high-rank military officials has not been seen in more than three decades.

Mr Xu Guangyu says, such a high-tune expression at this time is relevant to the anti-corruption investigation in military forces, and also probably multiple difficulties in deploying deep reforms of the military forces.

Mr Wu Fan says, if China’ society suffers a large scale economic recession,
natural and man-made disasters,or irremediable situations of intensified conflict between the government and the people due to the changes of astronomical phenomena,whether the military forces rebel or not is unpredictable.

Hong Kong’s famous commentator Lam Baohua says in an article, currently Xi Jinping is in a predicament.First, he is experiencing many obstacles
in punishing Lieutenant General Gu Junshan,Vice President of Headquarter Logistics,whose backstage supporters include former Deputy Chairman of Central Military Committee Xu Caihou, and more recently another former Deputy Chairman
of Central Military Committee Guo Boxiong.All of them are favourite henchmen and have a wide range of supporters across the military forces. Secondly, involved officials of the former Standing Member of Politburo Zhou Yongkang,from his secretary, follower officials in Sichuan Province and oil domain, are all caught,and even Zhou Yongkang’s family members are all arrested.But the Authority has not yet officially declared the “Double Regulating" on him till now.

In addition to his backstage supporter Jiang Zemin,the elder brother of princelings Zeng Qinghong and other former Standing Members of the Politburo,
united together into a strong opposing force.

Lam Baohua says, in addition to the above,Xi’s predicaments also include
the current weak economic status, and ongoing conflicts in the regions with minority ethnic groups etc.

Beijing political commentator Hua Po says,Xi Jinping is the CCP leader
who has had the maximum number of titles since the CCP took power.However, this does not mean that his power is at its peak.Currently, the fierce degree of internal fighting within the CCP has exceeded the period of the “June 4th Incident in 1989″.He has also experienced very strong opposing forces.

Mr Hua Po: “During the period of June 4th,influential seniors including Deng Xiaoping and Chen Yun were all alive and they could control the situation.But these old persons are all dead now.So the younger generation has insufficient reputation.They have to use the power at hand to attack their opponents by their own means."

Hong Kong-based The Sun newspaper says,Hu Jintao held the position of Chairman
of the Central Military Committee for 8 years.

But he was blocked when he ordered the investigation of the arch corrupt military official Gu Junshan two times.The problem faced by Hu Jintao in the past is now the predicament Xi Jinping is facing.

The Sun says, since Xi Jinping took power,more than twenty minister-level officials have been investigated within more than a year.However, there is no one major tiger punished in the military forces and even to punish Gu Junshan is still the decision of the former Chairman Hu Jintao.Actually, comparing with the true major tigers in the military, Gu Junshan is just like a fly.

It is reported in overseas media that,the family assets of Guo Boxiong exceeded
10 billion RMB in 2010,and he also has around a dozen mistresses.

There is even an Open Letter to the CCP Head Xi Jinping and the Military Forces written by an official of the Headquarter Political Department of the CCP Central Military Committee,which says if one day is not to kill Guo Boxiong,
then all the military forces will not enjoy peace.

Interview/YiRu Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/Sunning
