
【新唐人2014年06月03日讯】自大陆警方以“反恐暴”为名,在多个城市实行警察佩枪巡逻,并允许警察在所谓“紧急情况”下可以直接开枪以来,各地警察开枪“射杀民众”的事件频发,引发了极大民怨。民众担心,在当前大陆司法不独立的情况下,一旦警察滥用开枪权,将会严重威胁百姓生命安全。 但也有评论指出,警察佩枪,就是为了震慑百姓,因为当谎言不足以治国时,暴力和恐怖就将登场。

自从今年4月新疆乌鲁木齐火车站发生爆炸袭击事件后,大陆北京、广州、上海等多个城市开始实行警察佩枪巡逻,并 鼓励民警大胆使用枪支,遇到所谓“紧急情况”和“恐怖份子”,警察可以跳过“亮明身份、鸣枪示警”等一系列警告程序,直接开枪。

但引发舆论激烈争议的是,截至目前,不但没有任何所谓“恐怖份子”被警察直接开枪击毙的消息传出。 相反,警察直接开枪造成无辜百姓伤亡的事件,却在大陆各地频繁曝光。




类似的的事件接连发生,令民间对此极为担忧。 网民们指出,恐怖份子固然危险,但不受控制的公权力更加可怕,尤其在一个司法不公正的社会,一旦警察滥用开枪的权力,那么普通百姓的生命安全必将受到巨大威胁。







原广州公安局白云区分局良田镇派出所副所长陈军育指出,大陆社会诸多所谓“暴力事件”的根源,其实是中共当局的腐败和高压统治造成的民怨沸腾,如果以暴制“暴”,只会火 上浇油,引发更大反弹。

采访编辑/张天宇 后制/李勇

Authorities Implement Policy to Shoot, Claiming Civilians to
be Terrorists.

Currently in the name of “anti-terrorism and violence",
mainland police have implemented the policy
of patrolling with guns,
authorising the direct shooting of civilians under the
pretence of “emergency circumstances".

Since the policy was implemented, incidents have occurred
on a frequent basis.
This has inevitably sparked great resentment among the people.

The people are concerned, that as soon as this policy is in place
and protected by the judicial system,
the police will abuse it freely, thus becoming a threat
to everyday civilians.
Some have commented saying, when the policy ‘armed
with guns’ becomes enforced,
the purpose behind it will be to suppress the ordinary people,
because once the lies no longer have the effect the
authorities require,
violence and terror will, once again return the
stage of China.

Since the uprise of attack happened at Urumqi
Railway Station in Xinjiang this April,
Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai started to implement
the policy of police patrolling with guns,
encourages police to actively use guns.

Under the situation of “emergency case" and “terrorists",
the police can directly shoot anyone without taking the
correct and appropriate steps of
“expressing policy identity and then firing a warning shot."

Yet this highly provocative issue is merely chatter up to
this point,
as no news has reported any incidents of terrorists
being shot by police.
On the contrary, the incidents reported where police
have directly shot, injured or killed ordinary people,
are frequently reported in mainland China.

On May 30, a drunken police officer of Luoping County
of Yunnan Province,
got in to a heated debate with a local man. It is reportedly said
he opened fire resulting in the mans death.
Yet the authorities claimed the gun had misfired.

On May 15 prior to the incident, police of Zhenxiong
County of Yunnan Province,
claimed that the police shot and injured a man on the street
who drove his car in to a group of pedestrians
who were on their way to market.

But afterwards, the crowd of hundreds of people at the site
of the incident,
jointly signed their names
and confirmed that the deceased was an appealer.
When he made his appeal, he used his truck
to block the door of the town government office,
and in the confrontation with the SWAT(Special Weapons
And Tactics team),
he had in his pocession a saber (which is used in self-defense),
with which he waved around towards the police,
the police then fired 12 shots at him killing him instantly.

Former deputy director of one police station of the Guangzhou
Public Security Bureau Mr Chen Junyu :
“The person has been shot and killed by you,
and the dead can no longer speak in his defence.
So you can freely describe the incident at your will
for the purpose of your personal propaganda.
The surveillance video is also controlled by the police,
from which segments are chosen, cherry picked
and shown to the public."

It is impossible to know if the published segmented video
has been tampered with or has parts deleted,
it is difficult to tell.

It is made more difficult as the suspect is dead and cannot
verify whether the evidence is true or not.

Similar incidents have occurred on a constant basis ,
so the people are extremely worried.
Netizens pointed out that, despite the danger of terrorists,
uncontrolled public power is more terrible,
especially in an unjust judicial society.

Once the police start to abuse the power to shoot civilians,
the lives of many will be in danger.

Chen Junyu : " Congress has not discussed this policy.
Without authorisation from the law,
casually expanding amongst a few individuals who seek
selfish gain,
some police may want to instigate the shooting policy,
giving them power over the people with the excuse,
you are a terrorist.
So in the case of using guns without investigation,
warning or legal procedures is completely possible,
and then the police will casually open fire.
This is of course a serious hazard to the lives of the
general public."

There are also legal professionals pointing out that,
although in many countries in the world today,
police are patrolling with guns,
but the number of police and the shooting conditions that have
been laid down,
are all strictly restricted and regulated.

In contrast, mainland China’s police regulate under a different
set of conditions.
Almost all of the police across the country
are equipped with a firearm.

Mainland social activist Hu Jia : “The carrying of firearms,
we have many intending gunmen.
Given that most countries are morally aware of the principles
needed to be laid down as law,
such as ethical use of firearms, regulations
and restrictions etc,
there seems to be no common sense actually
in place in China.
On the other hand, this country is not itself
an independent judiciary,
so many police suddenly become powerful pawns, bird dogs,
and also slaves to the one family.
It is not a national public institution.
Not the maintenance of public safety.
This policy is more likely top form a group of bandits
amongst our police, a rogue state.
So now we can see police misusing the firearms policy."

Public opinion popularly believes the authorities have used
the connotation “anti-terrorist violence",
as a means to exploit police authority and keep
the people in terror.

Hu Jia:" The Chinese Communist Party fully utilised
the opportunity of anti- violence and terrorism,
largely expanding the incident.
So from this we see, implementing such a policy,
police carrying guns,
intensifies the worry of everyday public citizens.
The police are likely to abuse their power and
the freedom to shoot,
giving people more concern, creating panic and fear.

Previously, they used the police vans to deter criminals
and maintain stability,
and then they thought, the police vehicles are insufficient
to deter those group incidents.
So what can bring the ultimate deterrence
to the ordinary people?
It is the policy, police with guns. “

Chen Junyu says, the towns police station made a statement.

That the root cause of many so-called “violent incidents"
are in fact triggered by public resentment towards the authorities
who are bound up in corruption, intrigue and coercion.

If the authorities only approach is to fight fire with fire,
or use violence against violence,
this will lead to greater conflict, it will merely add more
fuel to the already rising flames.

Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/LiYong
