【禁闻】父亲节 耿格吁中共释放父亲高智晟

【新唐人2014年06月16日讯】父亲节 耿格吁中共释放父亲高智晟





百余律师联署 维护会见权




广东村民抗议挖祖坟 遭二百警镇压




Gao Zhisheng’s Daughter Requests His Release
For Father’s Day

Mainland human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng is still detained
in Shaya prison in Xinjiang.

His daughter Geng Ge requested the release of her father in a
Radio Free Asia interview on June 14, prior to Father’s Day.

Gao Zhisheng was suppressed by the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) for writing public letters to the CCP in 2004/5.

He wrote several times about the brutal persecution of
Falun Gong.

Gao was kidnapped by Beijing police in August
2006 and suffered horrible torture.

In December 2006 he was sentenced to three years in jail with
five years probation on charges of subversion of state power

Gao Zhisheng was then illegally detained by police.

In December 2011, the CCP revoked his probation and left
him in Shaya prison by the Taklimakan Desert in Xinjiang

Geng Ge said she was afraid of Father’s Day approaching
because her father hasn’t been around for a long time.

Geng Ge says, “I believe it’s inhumane to take a father away
from his child like this.”

Hundreds of Lawyers Sign Letter For Meeting Rights

A large number of mainland lawyers jointly signed a letter
requesting the right of meeting their clients in their defense.

Currently the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is depriving
lawyers of this right under endangerment of national security.

The letter said it would hurt the program of justice without
any change.

Local investigation agencies can take away the defender’s
meeting right and suspect’s litigation right on any cases.

Currently, there are 121 lawyers who have signed the letter.

Guangdong villagers Protested Against Digging up The
Ancestral Tombs

Guangdong Province Shapa government forcibly took local
burial grounds and dug up graves to make a tourist area.

Villagers protested and on June 14, over 200 police attacked
and arrested many villagers to suppress them.

According to Chinese Jasmine Revolution website, Shapa
villagers began demonstrating from March several times.

They used many banners, saying “Let’s unite opposing the
atrocity of digging up the ancestral tombs to remove graves.”

