
















采访/朱智善 编辑/李韵 后制/陈建铭

Secret or scandal?
The State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film
and Television of the People’s Republic of China (SAPPRFT)
ban reporter leaking

The SAPPRFT has released new regulations to prohibit
journalists providing duty related information to domestic or
foreign medias and websites.

It’s commented the new regulation is to restrict the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) inner scandals that should be known
by the public.

July 8, mainland media published the content of the
journalists’ duty behavior and information management.
It requires all media and journalists to sign a
confidentiality and job behavior information agreement.

The new regulations prohibit journalists providing the
so-called official information to other domestic or
foreign media and websites.

It also prohibited releasing official information through
public or personal account in blog, microblog, WeChat, as well
as forums, seminars or any other places.

The new regulations believe all information and materials, as
well as the news works including state secrets, commercial
secrets and undisclosed information, etc.
are official information.
This includes job activities
such as interviews, meetings, the conveying and
documents as well.

The former Hebei People’s Radio editor Zhu Xinxin said that
these are the consistent approach to the journalist from CCP for
decades, just they are on the table now.

Zhu Xinxin: 302 The CCP’s regulation is to restrict the
reporters to release internal scandals which they are trying
to hide but should be public.

They are trying to find an excuse to make everything a state
secret, even it’s not confidential.

In early May, senior female reporter Gao Yu, was detained by
the Chinese authorities on suspicion of illegally providing
state secrets to overseas.

The CCP mouthpiece said last August, Gao Yu provided a
so-called confidential document to overseas websites which
made many websites reprinted.

The confidential document was the prohibition of seven things
not allowed to be said, issued by the CCP to all levels of
officials and institutions of high learning.

Former Chinese private magazine reporter Liu Yiming: From the perspective of freedom of press, reporters and media people
have no obligation on the confidentiality.

The so-called state secrets shouldn’t be released by
the confidential person.
So even the news is related to state secrets, the
responsibility is not on the reporters and the media,
but the real national staff.

Zhu Xinxin thinks that the CCP should formulate the law and
regulations on the scope of state secrets.
The confidential person will execute it later.

Zhu Xinxin: You can keep the secret and block the information
without letting the public know.

You should hold the pass first not to release the information
and accept the interview.
It’s equal to shifting the responsibility onto the reporters
when you blame the reporters after having released
information on them.

Liu Yiming said that the Chinese media living space has
become increasingly narrow now.
There is no standard for state secrets.
The so-called official information is not detailed.
It is easy for authorities to purge media people with
the excuse of leaking information.

Liu Yiming: Many reporters know that a staff is quickly
found to beat a dog in China.
Even though the information is not a state secret,
the reporters are still easy to arrest with the excuse of
leaking as long as the information is detrimental to the CCP.

June 18, the SAPPRFT issued a ban to prohibit the
reporters’ unauthorized comments.
US Chinese magazine Beijing Spring chief editor Hu Ping
pointed out that the CCP can do nothing to the true leaker
because China traditional media and online media are up in
the tens of thousands.

Hu Ping: overseas media posted lots of banned rumors often.
Where did they get the information?
The authorities shouldn’t be completely unaware of where
they get it.
However, they can do nothing, because their faction struggle,
inner Party power struggle stem from their own needs, which
make them violate their rules constantly.

Hu Ping said the Internet is very popular offering plenty and
a variety information.

Even though the authorities have issued stricter rules, they
cannot completely shield channels
for personal publishing of information.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Chen Jianming
