【禁闻】政府强拆警察住宅 将生民变?

















采访/朱智善 编辑/宋风 后制/肖颜

What If Police Homes Were Compulsorily Demolished?
Sichuan Lushan Has The Answer

Speaking of forceful demolition, people would think that
police and developers collaborate with each other to
violently beat and arrest those who defend their rights.
But what if police homes are to be compulsorily demolished?
Recently, Sichuan Lushan police and judges met this situation.
How would they act?
Please read the report below.

As disclosed by “64tianwang.com",
over a 100 homes of employees who work for Sichuan Ya’an
Lushan county courthouses or Public Security Bureaus,
are to be compulsorily demolished.
These people who are part of the state machine
didn’t follow their superiors’ relocation orders.
As ordinary people, they just defended their human rights.
They set up a surveillance team to protect their homes
day and night.
While fighting against the demolition,
they showed stronger defending power.
They also offered help to other people
whose homes were compulsorily pulled down.

They also contacted human right NGO website “64tianwang.com"
for help to stop the forceful demolition.

These police and judiciary personnel
also told “64tianwang.com" that
they hope to get support from
non-governmental human rights organizations,
but are worried about being politically framed up,
their salaries deducted, or even being imprisoned.
They are afraid that they might be charged with
“collaborating with foreign forces".

Huang Qi, founder of Sichuan “64tianwang.com":
“When it’s their turn to suffer from compulsory demolition
and stand on the opposite side of the government,
they feel lonely and helpless.
Therefore, they hope a non-governmental organization
like 64tianwang can get involved."

Huang Qi pointed out that when ordinary people’s home
are demolished, these local police and courthouses
can share the profit.
At that time, they are with those who commit the demolition.
When their own homes are about to be demolished,
the situation is different. Their interests will be harmed and
they need to defend their own rights.

On April 20, 2013, a strong earthquake of magnitude 7 occurred
in Ya’an, Sichuan Province.
The epicenter was located in Lushan County.
As recorded, tens of thousands of homes were damaged
to varying degrees.

In April 2013, Xi Jinping went to Lushan to inspect the situation.
Xi used the slogan “rebuild scientifically; plan for the long term
and don’t harm the interests of ordinary people".

Li Huanli, volunteer of 64tiangwang, learned that now Lushan
county government only offered 30 thousand dollars
to each home to be demolished.
In the name of “dilapidated houses renovation",
the local government is not negotiating with home owners
regarding property rights and equivalent house replacement.

Lian Huanli said that the way the local government proceeded
caused strong resistance, especially from those
who work in governmental structures,
like police stations and courthouses.

Lian Huanli: “Now about 60 to 70 homes owned
by police station personnel and 36 houses owned
by courthouse personnel got impacted.
Among them are police and judges currently in service.
They have a lot of connections and
they can gather one or two hundred people easily.
Some police and judges already said that
they would defend their homes with their lives. “

Lian Huanli added that the local government sold the land
to developers for 0.27 billion Chinese Yuan.
The county’s top officials publically said in the meeting that
only compulsory demolition can succeed.

Lian Huanli: “Now, the county government and committee
are going to demolish those police homes next Monday.
It’s hard to tell what it will arouse yet."

Lian Huanli also learned that a former local chief judge and
5 other representatives are going to complain
to the party’s Central Inspection Group on July 13.

Huang Qi said compulsory demolition has awakened
these judges and police.
They dare to stand up and strengthen the force
of NGO human rights’ defenders.

Huang Qi pointed out that in the ongoing social reform,
more and more Chinese will wake up,
and non-governmental human rights defending
will play a more and more critical role.

nterview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/XiaoYan
