





抗议政改决定 港生将大规模罢课





粤博罗数千人再游行 反建垃圾厂




America Media: Serious Risk Investing In Alibaba

The first public IPO in New York Times from China’s
Internet retailer Alibaba has been hyped up by global media.

However, US Wall Street Journal published an article by a
Harvard University scholar.

This warned investors of serious
management risks in Alibaba.

The article, was entitled “Ali Baba’s management structure
is unfavorable to the public investors”.

The article said that there are multiple reasons for these risks.

The authors analyzed that Alibaba insiders have permanent
control over the company despite owning a minority stake.

Alibaba’s inner circle has many ways to switch the company’s
value to other entities so they have considerable equity with
absolutely permanent control. However, the mechanism
to prevent them doing so inside Alibaba is very fragile.

The writer reminds the public investors that a large part of
Alibaba’s future value won’t be shared with them.

Hong Kong Students Will Protest Against Political Reform

On Sept. 22, 24 Hong Kong colleges and universities will go
on strike for a week against the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP)’s force-out on genuine universal suffrage.

On Sept. 21, a variety of strike banners were
posted across the universities campuses.

According to Hong Kong Apple Daily report, the strike action
may be the biggest one in Hong Kong.

They estimated tens of thousands of teachers and students
will participate in the strike.

On Sept. 21, Hong Kong Ming Pao Daily News report
said 382 universities and colleges faculties jointly signed
supporting the strike and called to protect students from
white terror from the anti-strike camp.

On Aug. 31, the CCP National People’s Congress Standing
Committee passed a resolution that the Hong Kong Chief
Executive can be elected by universal suffrage from 2017.

However, candidates must be nominated by the Nominating
Committee and supported by more than half the members.

Also they must love China and Hong Kong.

People March Again Against The Garbage Plant In Boluo

On Sept. 20, in Boluo County, Guangdong Province thousands
marched against Asia’s largest incineration plant construction.

The authorities sent thousands of police and special police to
block each intersection and protesters, resulting in injuries.

This is another large-scale protest in Boluo city after last
weekend’s march by tens of thousands of people

According to mainland media report, during the two days
of protests last week, Boluo Police arrested 24 people.

Most of them are still being detained.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
