【禁闻】等待15年 王晓丹与父亲首次通话





















采访/田净 编辑/黄亿美 后制/钟元

Wang Xiaodan Talks to Her Dad After a 15 Year Wait

15 years is a long time to Falun Gong practitioner Wang
Xiaodan because her Dad Wang Zhiwen has been illegally
detained for 15 years for practicing Falun Gong.

October 18, Wang Xiaodan’s father was sent straight to Beijing Changping brainwashing center for more punishment after
he’d served his sentence.

Wang Xiaodan’s heart almost broke on hearing it.

She finally contacted her Dad when he was on the way to the
brainwashing center.
It is was the first time she heard her Dad’s voice in 15 years.

Wang Xiaodan: “Dad, are you alright?" “I am out of the prison." [Call recording]

Wang Xiaodan was too excited to say a word when she finally
heard his voice after so long.

Wang Xiaodan: “Dad, I miss you very much. Are you feeling
well?" “I am ok today."[Call recording]

She could not help crying.
To comfort her, her Dad had to say he is ok today.

Wang Xiaodan’s father, who served as a Railway Ministry
engineer, started practicing Falun Gong in 1992.
He was one of the duty contacts for the Falun Dafa Research
He was also one of the practitioners to talk with Chinese Premier
Zhu Rongji in 1999 4.25 during the peaceful Falun Gong appeal.
Wang Zhiwen was illegally sentenced to 15 years when Chinese authorities suppressed Falun Gong.
After 15 long years, another persecution is waiting for
Wang Zhiwen.

Beijing time October 18, Wang Zhiwen was immediately
transferred to Beijing Changping brainwashing center,
straight from prison.

Wang Zhiwen’s daughter in the US had a short chat with her Dad
by phone, with her aunt’s help, on his way to Changping.

Wang Xiaodan: “I called my aunt every 20 minutes to see if
my Dad had come out, and she says no for the whole evening.
I said I have to find my Dad this evening; then my aunt passed
the phone to my Dad bravely."

It was the first time Wang Xiaodan heard her Dad’s voice
in 15 years.
She told her Dad to cheer up because the outside world is
concerned about him!

Wang Xiaodan: “Dad, (this is my husband).
I am pleased to talk to you, (Dad, I’ve been waiting for you)."

Wang Zhiwen: “You and your husband have to have a good
life with open minds.
Be positive mindfulness to do everything."

Wang Zhiwen continuously exhorted her to calm down and
have a good life with her husband in disregard of his own safety.

Wang Xiaodan: “my husband was crying and we both cried
for a long time for too many feelings at that moment including

I finally hear his voice with too many complicated feelings
including sadness and distress mixed together.
I just feel he is very great without any wrong."

Wang Xiaodan came to the US to study at the age of 18 after
leaving her dependable father.
Wang Xiaodan got married but never let up in her efforts
to rescue her father in those 15 years of separation.

December 5, 2013, the U.S. Congress held human rights
hearings with the theme of “Set our fathers Free" during U.S.
Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to China.

Five daughters of prisoners of conscience including Wang
Xiaodan testified at the hearing and called on the Chinese
authorities to immediately release illegally imprisoned fathers.

They requested to meet with President Obama and hope the US
will take measures to rescue them.

Zhu Keming, the first person to indict former CCP General
Secretary Jiang Zemin, was an entrepreneur and Hong Kong multimillionaire.

He said in an interview he was in the same prison with Wang
Zhiwen during an illegal arrest by the Chinese Communist Party

Zhu Keming: “There was one room between us.

We can meet every day in meal and activity time; so we are
quite familiar.
Wang Zhiwen is very calm, reserved and cultured.

He doesn’t speak too much but he is very peaceful when he
is speaking.
He is very venerable."

Zhu Keming said he could obviously feel the thing that
Wang Zhiwen most worried about is his daughter.
Zhu Keming said it was the CCP’s usual trick when he heard
Wang Zhiwen was transferred to the brainwashing center after
serving his full term in prison.

Zhu Keming: “they (CCP) are not reasonable.
The ostensible release is a show for the international community
and the outside; not real release.

It’s unimaginable that he is detained in a brainwashing center.

In this case, I think the key point is whether his family, the
outside world, and all of us, can put more pressure on the
brainwashing center."

Wang Xiaodan: “I want him to come back soon, no delay nor
kidnapped to other places."

In the past 15 years, her father suffered all kinds of torture in
prison; and was deprived of basic human rights.
As his daughter, Wang Xiaodan suffered the torture in her
mind all the time.
All this happened just because her father practiced Falun Gong.

Interview/TianJin Edit/Huang Yimei Post-Production/ZhongYuan
