【禁闻】APEC期间 周永康拟赴京表诉求

【新唐人2014年10月31日讯】APEC期间 周永康拟赴京表达诉求





夫狱中受酷刑 妻中领馆抗议










Zhou Yongkang to Make Demand Directly to Beijing

The confrontation between the protesters and the Hong Kong
government for universal suffrage remains at stalemate after
more than one month of the Occupy Central Movement.

According to Hong Kong Apple Daily report, October 30
the main representative of the Occupy Central movement,
Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) Secretary-General
Zhou Yongkang said at the Admiralty that:
he would express the demand directly to the Beijing authorities
for the Hong Kong people because the government won’t do it.

Many State heads including US President Obama will
participate in the APEC in Beijing next week.
Zhou Yongkang said that, next week, he planned to ask the
Chinese authorities to defend the country’s two systems,
and withdraw the fake universal suffrage resolution passed by
the People’s Congresses on August 31st.

Zhou Yongkang said they would consider the possibility of a
trip to Beijing and the possible membership.
For sure, they don’t exclude the possibility of being refused

Husband is Tortured in Prison; Wife Protests at the Chinese

October 31, Shenyang Falun Gong practitioner Yu Ming will
endure an unlawful trial at Shenyang Shen He District court.
On the 29th, his wife Mary protested about the persecution and
torture of her husband in front of the Chinese Consulate
in San Francisco
and she demanded immediate release of Yu Ming and other
Falun Gong practitioners,being persecuted.

Mary said in front of the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco,
that Yu Ming endured a variety of tortures, including:
high-voltage electrical shock, tied dead bed, tied dog chain,
exposure in the sun, forced-feeding, etc. because of insisting
on his faith.

Mary said she heard a policeman mentioned that Yu Ming and
other Falun Gong practitioner were hung up for two days
barefoot in winter.

However, she was refused to visit next day by the prison.

According to the US Minghui report, Yu Ming has been
unlawfully detained at Shenyang Detention Center for more
than one year since last August 29.

This was the fourth time for Yu Ming to be detained.

Taiwan Prohibits Civil Servants Training in Mainland

Taiwan government has issued new regulations prohibiting
civil servants education in mainland.
People will be fined for violations of the provisions from October

Agence France-Presse quoted a Taiwan immigration official’s
saying that the new measures are due to national security

The unnamed official said they worried about confidential
information leaks in the high-level government officials’ papers.

Local Taiwan media said dozens of people will be forced to
suspend academic programs in the mainland.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
