【禁闻】警察打死讨薪工发酵 十学者上书


















采访/田净 编辑/张天宇 后制/萧宇

Academics Call for Implementing Labor Rights

Ten sociologists from Peking University, Tsinghua University,
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences jointly addressed a letter
to Communist China leader Xi Jinping regarding a migrant
worker killed by police violence.

The police of Shanxi Province killed a female migrant worker
who asked for wage arrears.

It shows that migrant workers’ rights have been ignored
and labor contract law has been ineffective.

The tragedy will only be staged again.

An outrageous news item erupted at the end of 2014.

An online post showed a female migrant worker was beaten
to death by police when asking for arrears in wages.

The police even stepped on her hair after she was dead.

Chinese media reported, Wang Kuilin and his family came
from Henan Province.

Being migrant workers in Taiyuan, Shanxi, they were ready
to demand the arrears in wages from the contractor,
but were stopped by security.

During the dispute, the police arrived.

Wang’s mother, Zhou Xiuyun was beaten to death;
his father, Wang Youzhi had four broken ribs.

The policeman surnamed Wong was arrested
on suspicion of the crime of abuse of power, only.

China Institute of Industrial Relations, Professor
Wang Jiangsong: “These police officers and civil servants
only work for those who directly relay interests to them,

such as the sinister boss who has very close interest transfer
and collusion with them.

The ordinary people and migrant workers don’t transfer
any benefit to the police.

Thus the police completely abandon the law or
conscience simply for the benefit."

While some people demand stern punishment of the police
who committed the violence,

more people are addressing the protection of migrant workers’
rights and benefits.

Ma Xiaoming: “It looks like a conflict between the police
and the petitioners or the people who demand their wages.

Of course the police brutality is outrageous.

But in fact, the government has failed to resolve
the issue of wage arrears.

A series of delays and ignorance have only
intensified the conflict."

Ten social science scholars jointly issued an open letter
regarding the matter on Dec. 29,

including Shen Yuan and Guo Yuhua from Tsinghua University,
Tong Xin from Peking University,

and Shen Hong from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

They believe the police killing of a migrant worker has shown
the police violate the law in law enforcement,

and reflect the difficulty in promoting labor contracts
for 40 million Chinese migrant workers.

Workers have thus suffered from a series of problems
such as the everlasting arrears in wages, lack of social security
and occupational safety protection, and no compensation
for occupational diseases and injuries.

According to the research of 40 million migrant workers
launched in 2007,

academics identified mainland workers’ rights and benefits
have been largely violated.

The research found: First, Labor Contract Law has
existed in name only since the labor department ignores
law enforcement.

In 138 cases of mass incidents with workers demanding
wage arrears, investigation found 95% of them
hadn’t signed a labor contract.

Second, wage arrears are serious in the construction industry,
migrant workers’ injuries and occupational diseases are not

According to a 2013 survey, only 19.9% of construction
workers received monthly wages according to labor law.

40% of them still had wages unpaid from a year ago.

There are certain companies still owing 10.5% of their workers
their total wage.

Third, the Construction Law expressly prohibits the illegal
subcontracting of construction companies;

but, in reality, the subcontracting was never stopped
and became the main culprit in wage arrears.

Former Shaanxi TV reporter Ma Xiaoming: “The situation
for labor workers is very miserable.

Other than wage arrears, there is also overtime.

Excessive labor has exhausted and killed many
in China today.

Many commit suicide due to mental suffering
and heavy labor."

In the letter, the scholars suggest holding the labor department
accountable in implementation of labor contracts,
establishing unions, and allowing civilian supervision.

In this regard, there are further views on the implementation
of labor law, with the anti-corruption campaign as an example.

Wang Jiangsong: “Fighting against corruption is useless
because there are endless corrupt officials.

The key is to eradicate the soil that breeds the corruption.

That is to empower the people.

Law provision such as the Chinese law, ‘to protect people’s
lives and property’, sounds pretty,

but the key is who is going to do the law enforcement?
Who will supervise the law enforcement?"

Ma Xiaoming criticizes that China’s unions are appointed
by the party and government.

Only when Chinese workers are allowed to form their own
independent unions will the workers be able to safeguard
their own legitimate rights and interests.

Interview/TianJing Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/XiaoYu
