据新闻网站“今日缅甸”(Myanmar Now)报导,天亮之前,军警在仰光市郊达拉区(Dala),没有预先警告的情况下,朝着在警局外抗议的群众开枪,至少4死10伤。另外在曼德勒有13死,邻近的萨加因(Sagaing)与商业大城仰光,分别有9死及7死。

武装部队军头敏昂莱(Min Aung Hlaing)在首都内比都主持纪念军人节的阅兵式后,重申举行大选的承诺,但没有说明具体时间表。并称“军方寻求与全国携手共同捍卫民主”军政府也会保护人民,并使全国恢复平静。
Four people, including a 13-year-old girl, were killed in Mandalay region’s Meikhtila on Saturday during a crackdown on an anti-coup rally. The junta’s armed forces opened fire on residential areas in the attack and the girl was shot in her own house. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/w6hKQzFOIZ
— Myanmar Now (@Myanmar_Now_Eng) March 27, 2021
“Today is a day of shame for the armed forces,” Dr. Sasa, told an online forum. “The military generals are celebrating Armed Forces Day after they just killed more than 300 innocent civilians,” he said.https://t.co/EpWjBDLGG5
— Dr. Sasa (@DrSasa22222) March 27, 2021
One death was reported in Kyaikhto, Mon State, on Saturday morning. Rescue workers said the man was shot in the head. At least 7 people were injured during the attack by the junta’s armed forces, including a local journalist. #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar pic.twitter.com/CuIKSV2OBs
— Myanmar Now (@Myanmar_Now_Eng) March 27, 2021
相关链接: 军人节拟大示威 缅甸军方警告从头部射杀