【禁闻】刘铁男被查 江派命根子被掘












随后《新华网》的首页再出现上下两篇,影射打击江泽民的评论文章,包括:《江泽民对谁说‘我就是你后台?’》,和《胡耀邦下令搜查政治局委员家 反腐震动中南海》。分析指出,喉舌媒体点明了“江泽民是大贪污犯,随时面临被查处。”


采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉

Liu Tienan Under Investigation

Another vice-ministerial level official was investigated
in mainland China after Li Chuncheng, the deputy CCP secretary in Sichuan Province.
Liu Tienan, the deputy director of the National Development
and Reform Commission and former Minister of Energy
has been removed from office for an alleged
serious breach of CCP discipline.
Liu Tienan was considered the financial steward of
Jiang Zemin’s family, the former CCP leader.
It was analyzed that removing Liu Tenan is bound
to drain the lifeblood of the Jiang faction.

It is understood that the officials of the Central
Commission for CCP Discipline Inspection searched the
residence and office of Liu Tienan on the night of May 11th.

On May 12th, the Central Commission for
CCP Discipline Inspection confirmed that
Liu Tienan had been taken away for questioning over
an alleged serious breach of CCP discipline.
The CCP official media “Xinhua News Agency”
mentioned that Liu was a “moth “, in a short article.

On December 6th last year, Luo Changping, the deputy
editor of “Finance” magazine, reported on suspicion of Liu’s educational background fraud.
Luo Changping mentioned that Liu Tienan made an alliance
between officials and businessmen with Ni Ritao.
Luo Changping reported that the wife and son of
Liu Tienan worked at the company of Ni Ritao.
Luo also reported on the issue of Liu’s mistress.

When Liu Tienan was reported, he was accompanied by
Wang Qishan, the Standing Committee Member of the CCP
Central Political Bureau Standing Committee and
Secretary of the Central Commission for CCP Discipline
Inspection on their visit to Russia.

The Epoch Times analyzed that normally the media will not
report on cases after corrupt officials are removed from office in China.
However, Liu Tienan was mentioned in several media
after having been reported.
This is something really rare. As a vice-ministerial level official,
Liu Tienan was reported on in his real-name, this has also been rare over the years.

It was reported that a huge amount of interest of the Jiang
faction exists because of Liu Tienan’s corruption.
Official media have reported on the investigation
of Liu Tienan in high-profile.
“Xinhua Viewpoint” published a micro-note through
microblogging that real-name report leaves the “moth” nowhere to hide.
It also mentioned that Liu Tienan just likes a “moth“.

The result of the Liu Tienan investigation shows that
“evil deed will be return with evil”.

The Epoch Times said that there are public melees in the
media between the CCP leadership and the Jiang faction.
It has been said that the Masanjia torture report of
a few days ago was a Zhongnanhai shock upgrade.
Now is a very sensitive time because of serious separatism
within the CCP leadership on ideology, reeducation-through-labor and the judiciary.
The investigation of Liu Tienan has showed the
Jiang faction suffering another serious warning.

The Epoch Times also mentioned that all the recent major
news from CCP official media point to Jiang Zemin, including
the scandal of Zhang Yimou, Jiang Zemin’s “Queen” director
and the family background of the suspects on the “Zhu Ling thallium poisoning case” of 19 years ago.
Zhu Ling was a female student at Tsinghua University.

Zhang Jian, a Chinese issues researcher in the U.S.:
“Liu Tienan was the Jiang faction’s financial explorer.
People like him could oversee the entire occupation
of state-owned assets for the Jiang faction.
It could be said that Liu has also controlled
the flow of people’s flesh and blood.
Maybe he is the only person who
knows the deepest insider news.”

On January 7th, Liu Tienan did a report on the national
energy work conference after he was reported on.
Subsequently, former Energy Secretary Zhang Guobao
published an article citing a sentence by Jiang Zemin:
“to make decisions that compromise each other“

It was considered that the Jiang faction
wanted to “save Liu Tienan from the river”.

On April 22nd, a signed commentary in the homepage of
“Xinhua” website cited “whoever does not conduct reform should step down!”
as a warning sentence to Jiang Zemin
from the words of Deng Xiao Ping
The commentary also mentioned that:
“if there is someone who does not adhere to
the opening of reform, you can put him down.”

After that, two continuous articles appeared on the “Xinhua”
website with innuendo against Jiang Zemin, including
“To whom did Jiang Zemin say ‘I am your background’?” and

“Zhongnanhai shocked: Hu Yaobang ordered to search the
home of a Politburo member for anti-vibration”.
It has been seen that mouthpiece media has made pointed
remarks on Jiang Zemin’s being guilty of corruption,
saying that “Jiang Zemin risks being investigated
and dealt with at any time.”

The Epoch Times quoted disclosure of news from
people who are familiar with insiders and said that,
Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong, Zhou Yongkang and
related officials utilized National Development Bank,
PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC and National Development
and Reform Commission to make money.
Liu Tienan is the caretaker helping the Jiang faction
control the energy industry.
Currently, the Bureau of energy Development and
Reform Commission belongs to Xu Shaoshi,
a crony of former Prime Minister Wen Jiabao.

It has been reported there is no doubt that the
Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang camp has cut off an important money-making channel of the Jiang faction.
