【禁闻】昆明血案告破 真相仍是谜

【新唐人2014年03月04日讯】昆明血案告破 真相仍是谜




“政协”开幕 北京风声鹤唳

而中共的全国政协会议就在昆明血案发生后的第三天举行,原本戒备森严的北京城,更加草木皆兵。 3月3号,天安门及周边地区的安保全面升级,会场“人民大会堂”周围一公里范围内,岗哨林立,若有访民被发现在会场附近,立即会被送往接待站。







Kunming Bloody Attack Solved. The Truth is Still a Mystery!

On the evening of March 3, Chinese authorities announced
that the mass stabbing of March 1 at Kunming Railway Station
was solved.

There were eight murders, 4 people were killed immediately.

One was wounded and arrested; three other
people have been arrested.
But the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) did not disclose the
murderer’s identity or the ethic background, nor attack reason.
They didn’t allow any independent media coverage.

According to Hong Kong “Apple Daily", Hong Kong TV
reporter Qin Feng said the arrested female murderess was
pregnant and was shot twice by police.

Qin Feng is the niece of former CCP
Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing.

The truth of the bloody attack is still a mystery since the CCP
strictly controls the media, requiring them to only publish
news from “Xinhua News Agency" with no other information.

Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Opened.
Beijing Sees Danger Everywhere.

The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
(CPPCC) opened three days after the Kunming attack.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was apprehensive of
danger even with March 3 seeing heavy guard numbers.
Tiananmen Square and the surrounding areas upgraded
The security perimeter was set one kilometer around the
“Great Hall".
Petitioners will immediately be sent to the reception
center if found.

There are armed police patrols, special police patrol cars, and
militia on 24 hour duty at all city overpasses and main roads.
Heavily armed military police in convertible
cars are on both sides of the urban fringe.

Mainland Media Revealed That Zhou Yongkang’s Brother
Was Taken Away

After the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
(CPPCC) spokesmen’s noncommittal attitude over Zhou
Yongkang’s case, mainland media reported news related to
Zhou Yongkang’s case on March 3.
This again continues to attract public attention.

On March 3,"Beijing News" reported that mysterious,wealthy
Zhou Bin’s uncle Zhou Yuanqing and his wife were removed
by the task force investigation last December in Wuxi, Jiangsu.

Zhou Yuanqing’s position is not high up, but his wife Zhou
Lingying is well known in Wuxi business circles.

The report did not directly illustrate the relationship between
Zhou Yuanqing and Zhou Yongkang.
But the report said Zhou Yuanqing and his wife’s business is
under investigation due to his nephew Zhou Bin.
As we all know, Zhou Bin is Zhou Yongkang’s son.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
