【禁闻】周永康亲信未查完 泄中共内斗态势














采访编辑/唐音 后制/萧宇

Why Does Zhou Yongkang’s Case Remain Unannounced?

Chinese state media report that investigations still have yet
to finish on four of the provincial and ministerial level officials
investigated in 2013.

Three of them have close ties to former Politburo
Standing Committee member Zhou Yongkang.
Zhou’s case still hasn’t been officially announced.
Will Zhou Yongkang’s case investigation halt or continue?
The following is our report.

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) state media report that
investigation of Jiang Jiemin, Li Dongsheng, Yang Gang and
Li Chongxi will continue.

They are the remaining four high-ranking officials
to be investigated, among the 15 provincial
and ministerial level officials sacked in 2013
by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Jiang Jiemin, Li Dongsheng and Li Chongxi
are Zhou’s cronies in the oil and propaganda systems,
as well as in Public Security and Sichuan province.

Since Zhou Yongkang was reportedly put under investigation
at the end of last year, and much speculation on the progress
and the scope of the investigation has since followed.

The Chinese language newspaper Epoch Times published
analysis saying Chinese state media reports have indirectly
revealed the latest developments on Zhou’s case:
The investigation is yet to be concluded and announced.

Chen Minghui, mainland Chinese politics watcher: “Zhou’s
case was supposed to be announced prior to the New Year.
But, it was delayed to the Chinese New Year, then to the
two sessions, and then the Kunming stabbing again delayed it.
Whenever there is social unrest and civilian casualties,
Xi Jinping is put under huge pressure, which forced him to
slow down on the progress of the case."

The recent violent terrorist incidents leading to social chaos
and hundreds of casualties in the past five months has been
puting China in international news.

Activist Huang Jinqiu says Zhou Yongkang’s case
involves a huge network of the CCP factions
that can not be resolved overnight, and so the regime
definitely needs to control the pace of the case’s progress.
This year, former CCP leader Jiang Zemin has expressed his
stance that the investigation should end at Zhou Yongkang.
He even issued a joint letter with veteran cadres
to demand that Xi Jinping stop the investigation.
But Huang Jinqiu says that Xi Jinping will only go forward.

Huang Jinqiu, activist: “I think Xi has slowed down a bit
so that the veteran cadres are not so intimidated.
But, there is no turning back. It won’t stop at Zhou Yongkang.
Xi Jinping can only continue.
Once he turns back, the backlash from the opponents
will likely cause an even bigger crisis."

Former Vice President Zeng Qinghong is recently reported to
be under investigation as well.

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily reports that after Bo Xilai
was arrested in 2012, Zhou Yongkang had made at least two
attempts to assassinate Xi Jinping.

Sources told the media that one assassination attempt involved
a time bomb placed in a conference room;
the other, a lethal injection during a physical check up.

Chen Minghui: “I think the conflict between Xi and Jiang is
Xi Jinping is riding on a tiger which has to be killed.
Otherwise, the tiger will kill him.

However, to balance to conflict for a period of time,
some talks will be conducted, but it won’t last long."

Zhou Yongkang’s charges have been centralized on corruption.

However, the general public believes his biggest crime is
persecuting the populace in the name of stability maintenance,
doing things such as arresting petitioners, activists, Mongolian,
Tibetan and Uyghur ethnic groups, Chinese house church
members and Falun Gong practitioners, and in particular,
the live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners.

Huang Jinqiu: “The live organ harvesting has been kept secret
even when Bo Xilai was on trial.
The publicizing of this crime will need some scapegoats to
blame and to have them prove their own innocence,
just like how the ‘Gang of Four’ dealt with."

Beijing-based Caixin Media recently reported that CCTV’s
news and advertising director Guo Zhenxi
and producer Tian Liwu are both under
investigation on suspicion of taking bribes.
In mid-May, PetroChina’s vice president Bo Qiliang,
who is in charge of overseas operations,
was reportedly under investigation.

Analysts say these are signals that investigations on
Zhou Yongkang are continuing and broadening.

Interview & Edit/TangYin Post-Production/XiaoYu
