【禁闻】网友:不是日本太好 是中共太差!

【新唐人2011年3月17日讯】这两天,大陆网上热传中共中宣部的一份内部文件,说的是禁止国内媒体把云南地震跟日本地震做对比。中国近几年来地震频繁,那么对比观察一下, 中宣部为什么要禁止呢? 有什么不可告人的秘密吗?有网友表示:“不是日本太好,而是大陆“政府”做得太差!”










但是在汶川地震当时,中共使用各种托辞拒绝外援,导致来自日本的第一支救援队伍在震后三天才到达中国,错过了地震救援的72小时黄金时间,在接下来的几天里,只能从废墟中挖出多具遇难者的遗体。甚至还有外国救援团队,在地震后 9天才被允许进入现场。


Who Will They Thank for Their Lives?

China’s websites circulate an internal document
from the CCP’s Propaganda Department, banning
comparison of earthquakes in Japan and China.
Why does the CCP not allow the comparison?
A netizen said: “It’s not that Japan is doing too well,
but that the CCP is doing too badly.”

After the earthquake and tsunami in Japan,
Prime Minister Naoto Kan appeared often in media,
reporting on the state of disaster, including
nuclear leaks. He observes the disaster from
jet planes and on the ground.
He sent in 100,000 troops, and 60,000 veterans
from the Defense Force to assist in disaster relief.

In 2008, during China’s Wenchuan earthquake,
Premier Wen Jiabao also visited the disaster area.
On the site, he lost his temper while trying
to get the army to help. Public security
did not bring food, nor console the people,
but it did restrain their freedom.

Now netizens comment on Japan:
“Why didn’t their leaders all go to the disaster zone,
shouting at those crushed under debris to hang on?
Why the TV cameras pointed at the survivors
did not ask them who will they thank for their lives?”

A blog entitled “Three Oddities” Became
very poplular in China, because the author
provided frequent updates on the disasters in Japan.

The first oddity: Japanese media rarely reports
on government officials’ role in disaster relief.
Why they do not emphasize
the role of the government and the officials?

The second oddity: Japanese Prime Minister
Naoto Kan acts like a ’media spokesperson,’
telling people about the disaster situation.

The third oddity: Japanese media transparency.
The blog commented, “Their media writes about
the actual reality, without cover-ups.
They report on nuclear leaks and their threats.”
The blog then commented, sarcastically,
“Aren’t they afraid such news will cause instability?”

The blog said the Japanese reports were not filled
with words like “all is orderly” and “plentiful supply.”
They reported truthfully.
Suntory Company will offer free drinks,
7-11 stores will offer free food,
and the supermarket will provide shelters.

Immediatly after the disaster,
Japan asked for international aid. This was
the first time there was a world rescue team
Official statement said shelters will be limited,
and asked other countries to provide
stretchers and tents.
Foreign rescue aids arrived in Japan quickly.

In comparison, during China’s Wenchuan quake,
the CCP used all excuses to refuse foreign aid.
The first foreign rescue team, from Japan,
arrived three days later, missing
the golden 72 hours. In the next few days,
the Japanese team could only retrieve
dead bodies from the debris. Nine days later,
foreign teams were allowed
to enter the disaster rescue zone.

NTD Reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Xiao Yu
