CCP Warns Foreign Media: Don’t Seek the Truth
On October 24, the Chiniese Communist Party (CCP)
announced in a press conference that in an effort to safeguard,
the country’s economic data, any economic forecasts
made by foreign medias must be within the allowable limits set by the CCP.
They warned foreign correspondents and journalists:
“Don’t ask questions that should not be asked!”
In an effort to drive home their point, the CCP talked about
two cases where economic data was in fact leaked.
One case involved Sun Zhen, the former deputy director
of the General Office of the National Bureau of Statistics.
Sun was accused of leaking economic data to the securities industry,
and was sentenced to five years in jail.
The other case involved Wu Chaoming, a former researcher
of People’s Bank of China.
Wu illegally obtained statistical data
and likewise leaked it to the securities industry.
He was sentenced to six years in jail.
Both men are deputy division level officials.
The court found them guilty of “deliberately leaking state secrets.”
Du Yongsheng, spokesman for the China State Security Bureau:
“Some foreign medias use a variety of channels and ways to double check or verify their economic forecasts
with the CCP’s economic department and securities industry.
This is not allowed.”
Chen Yongmiao, a Beijing constitutional scholar disagreed
with the CCP’s line of thinking noting that
the two officials could’ve choosen not answer questions
relating to state secrets.
However, if the data they were referring to was
already available in the public domain,
then media has the right to verify it,
because they have to guarantee the accuracy of such data.
The CCP authorities can’t restrict reporters
from reporting the truth.
Chen Yongmiao, Beijing constitutional scholar:
“This is related to the China’s current financial crisis, and the CCP’s desire to maintain social stability.
The CCP is worried about this, and thus you can see
the CCP’s state-run media reporting false data. But foreign media only uses real data.
The CCP is afraid that the power and stability of its regime
would be greatly impacted if the public knew the real data.
That’s why they caught those two people
and threw them in jail.
It was a warning to others not to leak official data,
and warned foreign medias not to double-check the data that the CCP says is real.”
Du Yongsheng, the spokesman for the China State
Security Bureau, didn’t mention which foreign medias leaked the economic data,
but alerted those correspondents to abide
by the CCP’s laws.
Du Yongsheng, spokesman of China State Security Bureau:
First, you have no right to access China’s national secrets.
But if you come across them by accident, I’ll give you a hint:
report the incident as soon as possible, otherwise, you guys will be in trouble.”
In China, the term, “state secrets," is often used as a tool
to limit medias, as there is no clearcut definition of what constitutes a national secret.
Chen Yongmiao, Beijing constitutional scholar:
In the United States and other countries,
no government bothers to protect their economic data,
nor do they regard it as a national secret.
Economic statistical data cannot be treated as a national secret,
nor can it be protected as a national secret.
The CCP shouldn’t forbid foreign medias
from reporting real economic data.
This is a question of press freedom and
the freedom of expression.”
Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
Few days ago, Brussels-based International Federation of
reporters issued a statement regarding a reporter who was killed for revealing
China’s “Luoyang Sex Slave Case.”
The Federation condemned the CCP’s abuse of
its “State Secrets Act,” which allows them to continually harass and intimidate journalists.
NTD reporters Qin Xue, Huang Rong and Xue Li