



另外,香港《东方日报》7号报导说,北京法律界人士透露,失踪一年多的维权律师高智晟有希望在圣诞节前回家。而中共媒体也在日前刊登一篇文章,描述被打成右派的已故诗人艾青和王震将军之间的情谊。外界认为,这篇文章大有呼唤艾青儿子艾未未“浪子回头 ”之意。

原《兰台内外》杂志社副总编 张忠余:“这可能也是因为媒体宣传的效应吧。可能使全世界的人呢,都看到了陈光诚啊,艾未未啊,以及高智晟啊,他们所做的事,和遭到来自中共的打压。使很多事情得到了曝光。我说这个中共啊,以前它自己标榜它是伟光正,这‘伟光正’这三个字,要变成了这个‘畏光症’好像还挺合适,就是它害怕光。”




原中共宣传系统官员 张凯臣:“国际舆论起了很良好的作用,但是舆论这么之大,也没有根本改变陈光诚的命运。他还在受着一种本质上的关押。实际这也不是地方的问题呀,这是中共中央政府,中南海的问题。就是它本身是总后台,总根子。”




Chinese Human Rights Activists Undergo Loosening and Tightening of Suppression

Anchor: Foreign media and human rights organizations
indicated that
the Chinese communist government recently loosened
restrictions on the blind human rights lawyer Chen Guangcheng.
This reflects the effect of public pressure.

However, as indicated by a former Chinese propaganda official
specializing in Chinese affairs, by no means does this suggest the government’s attitude is changing.

Text: Reggie Littlejohn, president of Women’s Rights
Without Frontiers, testified on the 6th at a Congress hearing that
the blind lawyer Chen Guangcheng has been put on
illegal house arrest by the authorities of Linyi, Shandong.
The public exposure of his case has improved
his house arrest condition slightly.

Reuters also reported on the 5th that activists said that
Linyi officials “have softened some of the harshest restrictions on Chen Guangcheng,"
and that “in October officials allowed Chen Guangcheng’s
77 year-old mother to leave Chen’s home village to buy supplies for the family."
Chen’s daughter, Chen Kesi, was allowed to go to school,
but “remains under constant guard, even at school."
However, medical treatment has still not been granted,
let alone his freedom regained.

In addition, Hong Kong “Oriental Daily" reported on the 7th
that legal professionals in Beijing revealed that
it is highly possible that activist lawyer Gao Zhisheng,
who has been missing for over a year, will go home before Christmas.
The Chinese communist media has also recently published
an article describing the friendship
between the late rightist poet Ai Qing and General Wang Zhen.

People believe this article meant to call Ai Weiwei
“the return of a prodigal son,", and the son of Ai Qing.

Former deputy editor of Inside and Outside Lantai magazine
Zhang Yu: “This could also be due to the effects of the media.
It makes it so that the whole world knows
what Chen Guangcheng, Ai Weiwei, and Gao Zhisheng have done
and the suppression they have suffered at the hands of the CCP.

Many things have been exposed, and I say that in the past
this Chinese communism advertised itself as ‘the great, the bright, and the right,’
and I think now it’s more appropriate to call itself ‘fearing the
great brightness all right.’ It indeed fears the brightness.”

But on December 4th, China’s Law Publicity Day, more than
20 petitioners throughout China prepared to visit Chen Guangcheng, but were blocked by Linyi police.
Their mobile phones and cameras were confiscated, and
they were all repatriated to Beijing South Railway Station.
In fact, since Chen was released from prison, there has been
a constant stream of media,
both domestic and overseas, trying to visit him,
but were blocked by the police.
So far, no one has been able to see Chen Guangcheng.

According to Deutsche Welle’s report on the 5th, Chen’s
current suppression is loosening and tightening at the same time.
It reported Yang Jianli’s observation that the Chinese government is loosening the restriction on Chen,
not due to the Government’s initiative, but rather
an adjustment in response to the pressure by civilians.

Former Chinese propaganda official, also Chinese affairs
expert, Zhang Kaichen, said that the
current loosening can not be considered a result of the
changes of the government’s attitude.

Former Chinese propaganda official Zhang Kaichen:
“International voices have a good effect,
but the public voice of such a scale could still not
fundamentally change the fate of Chen Guangcheng.
In reality, he is still suffering in detention.

This problem is not of local, but of Central government of
China, which is the backbone, the root of the issue."

Chen Guangcheng was sentenced to four years and
three months in prison
because of exposing the forced abortion policy in Linyi and
also due to his legal services to help local people’s rights.
Upon his release in September of last year,
Chen has been under house arrest.
At least a dozen people sent forth by the authorities
have been guarding his home and his village.
Surveillance cameras were installed around the house,
and the cell phone signal has been disabled.

Currently attending an international conference in France,
Yang Jianli indicated that
they will present the case in which Li Qun, Qingdao
Municipal Committee, persecutes Chen to the UN,
and call for suspension of China’s qualification as the
UN Human Rights Council.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Shang Yan and Wang Mingyu.
