吴惠林:“中央债务太大的时候,是会受到一些抑制的, 但是地方债2012都要到期了,他还不起,土地就被银行没收掉,可是现在土地的价格并不高,说不定没人去买,就变成呆账。”
谢田:“在美国,在西方,你不管执政党的政策怎么样,首先我们必须有一个准确的描述经济现状的数字, 在中国没有,我想中国GDP增长的数字是不可信的,通货膨胀的数字是不可信的,中国人们收入的数字是不可信的,中国税收的数字,中国企业盈利的数字,所有的数据都是不可信的。”
耶鲁大学(Yale University)教授曼沙拉马尼表示,在过去的一年里,从膨胀的信贷到屡创新高的艺术品价格等,一系列软硬指标,都是中国经济泡沫即将破灭的警示信号。
Will CCP’ New Leadership Bring Vitality to China’s Economy?
The global view of China’s economy takes a big turn
at the end of 2011.
The focus is on whether China’s economy will manage
to achieve a soft landing or will completely collapse in 2012?
Many foreign companies have begun short selling
their investments in China, diverting to other countries.
Will the incoming new leadership of Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) bring vitality to China’s economy?
Economists’ analyses show that the economic downturn
in the US and Europe are affecting China too.
With US and Europe trapped in a seemingly endless crisis,
China has very slim chance to collect its external debts.
Additionally, with domestic costs’ soaring,
its exports are starting to slip away.
Plus long-term inequitable wealth distribution
does little to improve its domestic demand.
However, China’s biggest headache
Is the CCP local authorities’ debts.
In 2008, to curb the financial crisis, CCP regime encouraged
its local authorities to raise mortgage loans over lands.
The practice helped local officials to hike local GDP figures,
generating a large number of land mortgages.
The amount of local debts
is huge enough to make banks collapse.
Research fellow at Chung-Hua Institution for Economic
Research in Taiwan, Prof. Wu Hui-lin, analyses the situation.
Prof. Wu thinks that China develops
at the expense of its resources.
Now the resources are used up, which brings more difficulties
to solve such a “natural disaster” as China’s economy.
Prof. Wu Hui-lin: “When the central authorities’ debts grow
too high, they will be constrained somehow.
But local authorities’ debts are coming due in 2012.
If they fail to repay them, the banks will take away the land.
But the current land prices are not high, most likely there
will be no buyers, so they will become bad debts then."
Wall Street Journal comments, in the power change process,
Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang will most likely follow CCP’s line.
Both apparent potential successors, they’re expected to do
what is in their interests and help consolidate their positions.
The new leadership will have to reach a compromise with
state-owned enterprises, local authorities and export entities, three beneficiaries of the current economic system.
Prof. Frank Tian Xie (University of South Carolina):
“China’s problem is caused by these CCP leaders.
How could they bring China
new economic opportunities?
This elite group has milked Chinese people through a variety
of ways, triggering uneven wealth distribution in China.
They grab money through housing market, the stock market
and the inflation, civilians’ wealth has largely been squeezed."
Economists said that it is much harder to forecast
China’s economy, compared to other countries.
They think this is due to the rapid changes
of China’s economic structure.
Plus, some key variables lack long-term historical data
and there is no other data to refer to.
Thus all along, they have to resort to a lot of speculations.
Prof. Xie explains that even CCP leaders have always said,
that China’s economic data is unbelievable.
Prof. Xie: “In the US or in the West, regardless of
the ruling party policy,
we must first have figures that can accurately describe
the economic status quo. Not in China though.
I don’t think China’s GDP growth figure is credible.
Nor are its inflation rate, people’s incomes, tax revenue
and businesses profits, all data is not credible. “
Prof. Xie tells reporters that CCP’s regime poured
huge sums of money to boost the economy.
However, most of them fell into the hands of interest groups,
which used them to boost prices for housing, stock and property markets.
When the property market faced bubble burst,
some capital flew into the antique market.
Prof. Xie says that once the bubble of antique market bursts,
China’s economy collapse is just around the corner.
Vikram Mansharamani, professor at Yale University, said,
there were such signs in the past year already.
From blown-up credit to the record high prices of artworks,
a series of indicators sent warning signals that China’s economy bubble is about to burst.
Prof. Wu Hui-lin thinks that China’s economy collapse
will not merely hit hard China,
but will also have a huge impact on the world,
especially Taiwan.
Prof. Wu hopes Taiwan’s entrepreneurs will think twice
before investing in China.
NTD reporters Liu Hui and Li Ruilin