【禁闻】分析:周永康 “两好球”之后















采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉


Analysis: Zhou Yongkang After “Two Strikes”

Mainland Chinese human rights activist Chen Guangcheng
fled the regime’s monitoring to the U.S Embassy in Beijing.
This incident shocked the world and drew attention
to the main culprit behind the persecution of Chen,
the CCP Political and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC)
Secretary Zhou Yongkang.
Reuters compared Zhou Yongkang’s current situation
to two strikes on the baseball field.
Other believes the Bo Xilai and Chen Guangcheng’s joint attacks
on the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC) might push Hu and Wen to take out Zhou Yongkang.

Reuters’article on April 30 uses two strikes on the baseball
field to describe Zhou Yongkang’s current situation.

US’s George Mason University, Professor Zhang Tianliang
expressed that Reuters seems to believe Zhou Yongkang’s fated to strike out.

Zhang Tianliang, “The Wang Lijun, Bo Xilai, and Chen
Guangcheng incidents were all major blows against Zhou Yongkang.
It (Reuters) use baseball as a analogy, that is, each player
has three chances to hit the ball.
If all three chances are missed, the player strikes out.

Zhou Yongkang has already taken three hits;
Reuters seems to believe he is already out.”

Zhang Tianliang expressed, it was reported by western media
that when the CCP punished Bo Xilai,
Zhou Yongkang was the only supporter of Bo, going to
support (Bo’s) “Chongqing model” during the Two Meetings.

Zhang Tianliang, “Right now many foreign media,
including the Epoch Times, are all reporting that
Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai were planning a coup to
drag down Xi Jinping.
That is to say, Zhou Yongkang had ties with Bo Xilai,
this was very clear to everyone.”

Zhang Tianliang also expressed that the Chen Guangcheng
incident is an international event.
The New York Times, CNN, and Hollywood star Christian
Bale all tried to interview him, but were chased away by guards.
Zhang Tianliang expressed that those who bring trouble
to the Foreign Ministry must be higher than the Politburo, such as Zhou Yongkang.

Zhang Tianliang, “Everyone knows the PLAC is
a source of power abuse in China,
the house arrest and beating of Chen Guangcheng
involved hundreds of people and large sums of money.
Such a mentality of stability overrides all,
this is Zhou Yongkang’s usual practice.
When this happened, almost without a doubt,
everyone said this was caused by Zhou Yongkang.”

Social commentator Shi Da also expressed that
Zhou Yongkang can’t escape responsibility.

Shi Da, “Everyone knows that the PLAC is above all,
whether it is the legal system, political entities, it is a super authority above all other entities.
Only Zhou Yongkang has direct control of this system,
causing so many grievances and injustices,
so this is really easy to explain – Zhou Yongkang can’t escape
being held accountable.”

The BBC quoted a report by the Guardian, which stated
the reformists headed by Premier Wen Jiabao have gained the best opportunity since 1989;
they can strive for greater transparency,
ensure rule of law, and clarify responsibilities.
It went on to say that they must overcome opposition from
those who engage in black operations and violent suppression to maintain and prolong the CCP rule.

Zhang Tianliang believes that this is a turning point
in the fight between Hu, Wen, and Zhou Yongkang.

Zhang Tianliang, “If Hu and Wen win, then China might move
toward greater transparency, re-establishing the legal system,
if Zhou Yongkang wins, then China will become a even
bigger black operation with a terrifying future.”

However, Zhang Tianliang believes from a public will standpoint,
or from the standpoint of the authority that Hu and Wen have, Zhou Yongkang is already in a hopeless situation.
