【禁闻】陈光诚受威胁离美使馆 处境全球忧
















采访/周玉林 编辑/唐睿 后制/肖颜


Chen Guangcheng’s situation draws global worry as he allegedly left the U.S. embassy under intimidation

Six days after Chen Guangcheng entered the U.S. embassy
in Beijing, he left for medical treatment at Chaoyang Hospital on May 2nd.
That same day, Chen repeatedly told journalists and friends
that he was forced to leave the embassy under the CCP’s intimidation.
Chen said his biggest wish was to leave China with his family,
as he was feeling very scared.
The change in Chen’s situation has again drawn
worldwide attention.
Many said they were disappointed at how the U.S.
government handled the problem.
Outsiders also hope the U.S. government can help
Chen obtain freedom without yielding to the CCP.
Consequently, the U.S. Congress decided to hold a hearing
regarding Chen Guangcheng’s issue on the afternoon of May 3rd in Washington.

After Chen Guangcheng moved to Chaoyang Hospital,
he revealed, in a telephone call, the messages from the CCP
authority which he claimed were relayed from a U.S. official
The CCP intimidated him, saying that they would kill his wife
if he didn’t leave the embassy.
Chen left the embassy for medical treatment under some
kind of agreement (with the CCP).

(Professor of Peking University, Xia Yeliang): ”We were happy
when Chen Guangcheng successfully escaped with a chance to go abroad.
Even if he just stays in the embassy he would still be safe
under protection.
But now we begin to worry about him again given
the current situation.

In the hospital, Cheng Guangcheng told CNN that he felt
his wife would be in danger if he stayed in China further.

The report also cited Cheng Guangcheng’s wife Yuan Weijing,
who said that local security officers once tied her to a chair
and interrogated her for several hours after Chen escaped;
they were also armed with weapons in preparation for Chen’s return.

At the same time, Chinese human rights activist Hu Jia’s wife,
Zeng Jinyan, released messages that she had been under house arrest.
He Peirong, who helped in Chen Guangcheng’s escape,
was also arrested.

Reggie Littlejohn, Founder of Women’s Rights Without
Frontiers, made a statement that He Peirong is also in need of rescuing.

(Xia Yeliang): ”The CCP group is unscrupulous.

They have always been like this so there’s nothing to say
about them.
We can only place our hope in the U.S. government.”

Xia Yeliang said he hoped the U.S. government wouldn’t
be afraid of or yield to the CCP’s unscrupulous measures or intimidation.
He expected the U.S. government to make all possible efforts
to protect Chen Guangcheng and other human rights activists.

Political commentator Wen Zhao analyzed that the CCP
wouldn’t make significant moves during U.S.-China Strategic
and Economic Dialogue, therefore Chen will probably stay
in the hospital over the next few days.

(Wen Zhao): ”If we take a look at the process of this incident,
I believe that the U.S. government has made a lot of effort and directly presented Cheng Guangcheng’s issue to the CCP.
I also believe that the U.S. government is trying to find
a solution to protect Chen’s safety in the future.
There’s no doubt that they have been working on that.
But has the U.S. government tried everything possible?
The answer has yet to satisfy many of us.”

Bob Fu, President of China Aid Association, told the media
that the association was negotiating with the White House,
the State Department, and U.S. representatives who had
been in contact with CCP leaders.
A hearing would be held at 2pm EST on May 3rd
in the U.S. Congress.

China Aid Association claimed that they expect the U.S.
government to take responsibility for keeping in touch
with Cheng Guangcheng’s family members and securing
a place for them in the United States.

Chris Smith, congressman from New Jersey, has paid close
attention to Chen Guangcheng’s situation for a long time.
Although Congress is on break, he stayed in Washington this
week in preparation for the emergency hearing on Chen.

Rep. Smith told VOA that he called for proper treatment
of Cheng Guangcheng’s family, including protecting their safety and freedom.
If that could not be guaranteed, the U.S-China talks should
be postponed and the U.S. Secretary of State as well
as other high-level officials should return to U.S. immediately.
