










艾未未起诉北京地税 法院受理

北京朝阳区法院5月7号通知艾未未的“北京发课文化发展有限公司”, 正式立案审理公司起诉北京地税部门一案。但开庭日期将另行通知。



Chen Guangcheng was blocked from returning to U.S. embassy

May 7th: human rights activist Chen Guangcheng is still heavily
guarded at Beijing Chaoyang Hospital. His visitors cannot enter.
The people who went to visit Chen, including U.S. officials,
his friends and supporters, were all blocked.
And some Hong Kong reporters had their Home Visit Permits
confiscated because of their interviews with Chen.

According to the BBC, Chen said on Sunday U.S. Ambassador
wanted to visit him in hospital.
However the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) minister of
foreign affairs stopped him.
Chen could only have a telephone conversation with U.S.
Embassy officials.

The Washington Times reported that Ros-Lehtinen, chairman
of Foreign Affairs in U.S. House of Representatives
Committee, warned the U.S. State Department not to believe
Beijing’s promise allowing Chen and his family to go to US.
She urged the U.S. diplomats in China to keep pressure on
Beijing to release Chen, sending the family to U.S. Embassy.

The report also said Chen complained CCP officials prevented
him meeting with U.S. diplomats and
would not allow him to leave Chaoyang Hospital (surrounded
by CCP police) and go back to the U.S. Embassy.

Chen Guangcheng calls for public attention to the case of
his nephew, Chen Kegui.

Because of Chen Guangcheng’s fleeing, his nephew Chen
Kegui was forced to use self-defense and hurt others.
For the past week, Chen Kegui is missing. People are worried
about his safety.
Mo Zhixu, Beijing-based independent writer, said on Twitter
on Monday that Chen Kegui has been detained.
Chen is in Yinan County’s Detention Center. His parents, Chen
Guangcheng’s brother and sister-in-law, have gone home.

During a telephone interview with VOA, Chen Guangcheng
called for media and public attention to Chen Kegui’s case.
He believes from his own experiences that law enforcement
authorities of Yinan County violate the laws unscrupulously.
He was worried that Chen Kegui would not get fair judgment
if the case was proceeded by the local court.

After Chen Guangcheng escaped his hometown Dongshigu
Village where he was illegally house-arrested, Zhang Jiang,
head of the town and other people climbed over the wall and
broke into Chen Guangfu’s home on April 27th.
Chen Kegui, Chen Guangfu’s son, took a kitchen knife, hurting
Zhang Jiang during the break-in and then fled the village.
Chen Kegui said to the outside world via cell phone that he had
reacted to the illegal entry in self defense then chased by police.

Several Chinese lawyers said that Chen Kegui’s action is self-
defense and they are willing to provide him with legal aid.

Ai Weiwei prosecutes the Beijing Local Taxation Bureau
and the court accepts

The court of Beijing Chaoyang District informed Ai Weiwei
and his company on May 7th that it will formally register the
case that Ai Weiwei’s company prosecutes the Beijing Local
Taxation Bureau. But the hearing date was not confirmed.

VOA reported that Du Yanlin, CTA of the company, is not
optimistic about the outcome of the proceedings;
the reason being that it is a so-called “political tax case.”

From April 2011, Ai was detained for over 80 days,
without any judicial charges and procedures.
After Ai’s release, his company was accused of tax evasion.

Beijing Local Taxation Bureau punished him
with a fine of RMB 15.22 million.
Ai’s company repeatedly applied for administrative appeal,
but was rejected.
So the company took the Beijing Local Taxation Bureau to court.
