【禁闻】“毛灵堂”申遗 民众恐遗臭万年







北京异议人士 李金成:“ 共产党夺取政权之后,它们犯下滔天罪恶,58年到62年饿死了几千多万人,死亡率达到8千万,这个罪恶,老百姓很多人都不知道,被共产党篡改历史,掩盖事实真相,如果能把它那个纪念堂申请世界文化遗产的话,世界上就没公平正义了。”


荆楚:“毛泽东一辈子丧尽天良,祸国殃民,伤天害理..它没给中国人民做过一件好事,他只给中国人民带来灾难和血泪,毛泽东应该是实实在在的中国人民的大灾星, 杀人魔头的纪念堂也申请世界文化遗产那不是国际笑话吗?”







采访编辑/李韵 后制/钟元

The Mao Mausoleum as a World Heritage, Criticized as a Humiliation to the World

Recently, it became popular in China to apply for
World Heritage sites.
The Mao Mausoleum at Tiananmen Square is also included
in the construction list of the “Central Line of Beijing”,
in which the Beijing government plans to apply for
World Heritage sites.
Chinese netizens have reacted strongly to this news.

Some remarked that, the CCP is trying to popularize
a devilish murderer who is much worse than Hitler;
this is making a fool of international society and
humiliating the whole of human civilization.

The “Central Line”, also called “backbone of Beijing”,

extends 7.8 kilometers from Yongding Gate in the south
to the Drum Tower and the Bell Tower in the north.

According to a Beijing News report, Lu Zhou, chief of
Tsinghua National Heritage Center who is writing the application materials for “Central Line”,
revealed that the road was expected to be added into
the recommended list of World Heritage sites in 2014.

Lu also mentioned that, besides the constructions from
Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty,
some modern buildings are also listed in applications
for World Heritage sites, including
the Monument to the People’s Heroes, the Great Hall of
the People, the National Museum and the Mao Mausoleum.

Lu claimed that, the “Mao Mausoleum” was the most
important construction project on “Central Line” in the 1970s;
it is applied for as a World Heritage site because it reflects
the effect of “Central Line” on the constructions of Beijing.

A Beijing dissident Li Jincheng remarked that, as Mao has
committed monstrous crimes,
it is a humiliation to humanity to make a memorial to him a
World Heritage site.

(Li Jincheng, Beijing dissident):”After the CCP came into
power, they committed monstrous crimes.
Tens of Millions of people starved to death between
1958 and 1962.
It ( CCP )almost killed 80 million people but many Chinese
still don’t know about it because the CCP has hidden the truth by distorting history.
If the Mao Mausoleum really becomes a World Heritage site,
there will be no justice left in this world.”

Internet writer Jing Chu remarked that, Mao Zedong can be
regarded as a devilish murderer a hundred times worse than Hitler;
popularizing him globally is making a fool of
international society.

(Jing Chu, internet writer) says: ”Mao showed no conscience
throughout his life as he wrecked our country and people.
He never did anything good for the Chinese people.
Instead he only brought us blood and tears.
Mao is an absolute disaster to all Chinese.

How can it be not a bad joke to honor the memory
of such a murderer with a World Heritage site?”

Last April, a famous Chinese economist Mao Yushi wrote
an article “Recover Mao’s truth as a human:
Reading the book ‘Fall of the Red Sun’”.

In the article, he remarked that “Mao’s fake divinity
would finally be eliminated and that he would be brought to justice.”

In Mao Yushi’s article, he listed Mao’s crimes after
the CCP came into power.
The list includes the “Great Leap Forward” campaign which
led to a 3-year famine and starved 30 million to death,
the “Cultural Revolution” which killed 50 million in
it’s many “class conflict” movements.
Furthermore, Mao was extremely licentious
but no one dared to criticize him.
Mao Yushi wrote that, “Even so, the portrait of
that evil leader still hangs on Tiananmen today”.

Earlier, a Beijing writer Tie Liu initiated a signature
movement calling for bringing Mao’s crimes to justice,
moving his body out of the Mausoleum and
removing his portrait from Tiananmen.

(Jing Chu, internet writer) says: ”Mao’s body should be
moved out from his crystal coffin and be lashed by all Chinese people to express their grudge against him.”

The application for the Mao Mausoleum as a World
Heritage site induced hot discussion on the Internet.
Since many netizens argued strongly against the plan,

the authorities had to delete relevant posts and
close the comments on many news websites.

Even so, numerous posts against the plan
were still left on micro-blog sites.
Some netizen said, “The Mausoleum should be pulled down”.
Another replied, “it’s a waste to pull down the building;
it’s better to make it a museum of the 10-year disastrous
period following the Cultural Revolution,
warning that period’s generation not to let this happen again.”

Some ironic post said, “I suggest also applying for
Mao’s body to be a World Heritage site,
with the reason that ‘this person had inherited all the cruelty,
craftiness and treachery in Chinese history.’”
