




时政评论家 李天笑:“ (郭金龙)他不是真辞职,真辞职就连北京市委书记一块辞职了 ,他现在不能够同时兼任市长和市委书记,他总得要辞,所以他看到民众对死亡人数有质疑,中共下水道一直不管,藉这个事情来平息民愤,好像做出来一种姿态,跟国际接轨,实际上是玩维稳的这么一个花招。”


时事评论员 文昭:“也没有交代他们有什么责任,但是也不说是一个正常的人事变动,好像让你感到有一点他要承担责任的意味,但是他又不解释原因,他要的就是这种经济效果。”







采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉

Experts Unveil Insider Information on Resignation of Beijing Mayor Guo Jinlong

Heavy rain on July 21 has led
to devastating floods in Beijing.
Overseas observers widely believed that
the flood is 30% natural, and 70% manmade.
Soon after the flood, Beijing Mayor Guo Jinlong,
and Vice Mayor Ji Lin resigned.
It’s hard to understand how they can resign when
the city needs urgent rehabilitation after the flood.
Let’s hear from the experts.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official
media released reports on July 25.
Beijing Mayor Guo Jinlong,
and Vice Mayor Ji Lin, have resigned.
The report didn’t give reasons, and didn’t mention
whether they have also quit their positions inside the party.

Guo Jinlong was appointed to be the CCP Beijing
Secretary shortly before the flood.
Analysts said that according to CCP convention, the mayor
will resign when they take over the party secretary’s position.

Current affairs’ commentator Li Tianxiao, based
at U.S. Columbia University, highlights that the
appointment and resignation in Beijing is a sign of promotion.
Guo Jinlong has been promoted to be Party Secretary.
This means he has received the ticket to be a member
of the Politburo in the CCP’s 18th National Congress.
Wang Anshun was promoted to Mayor from
City Chairman of the Political Consultative Conference.

Li Tianxiao: “It’s not a true resignation. If (Guo Jinlong) really
wants to resign, he will resign as the CCP’s secretary as well.
He cannot take the position of secretary and mayor in the
same time. He has to resign from one of the roles.
When he saw the people questioning the flood death toll,
and the government not taking care of the sewer system,
he wants to use the resignation to calm public anger.

He wants to use the resignation to give a gesture
that the CCP is matching international standards.
But in fact, this is the CCP’s trick to maintain stability.”

Wen Zhao, a current affairs’ commentator also highlighted
that changing the mayors is trying to mislead the public. It is fooling the public’s opinion.

Wen Zhao: “The government didn’t say which kind
of responsibility the resigning mayor took.
It didn’t say whether it’s a normal change, and so appears
that (Guo Jinlong) is taking part of the responsibility.
This is the effect they want to make.”

Li Tianxiao says that Liu Qi, a main leader in Jiang Zemin’s
“Blood Debt Faction", should also take responsibility.
Liu Qi is the former CCP Beijing secretary.

Li Tianxiao: “Many things were not done by (Guo Jinlong).
They were done by Liu Qi and other CCP officials.
As a main leader of Jiang Zemin’s
‘Blood Debt Faction’, Liu Qi was set in Beijing.
It means Liu Qi should have primarily taken responsibility.

Now, Liu Qi isn’t in Beijing, Guo Jinlong might think he will
take the responsibility which should be taken by Liu Qi. Then Guo Jinlong may feel innocent.
That’s the reason why he resigned the position
to remove responsibility. There are many reasons behind it.”

In addition, Li Tianxiao said the CCP spends a lot of money
controlling petitioners and persecuting Falun Gong.
Spending on maintaining stability
is much higher than the military budget.
The CCP didn’t work hard on the city’s construction.
It takes the lives of the people as a trifling matter.
According to international conventions,
Guo Jinlong shouldn’t resign before the matter of relief and rehabilitation has been finished.

Li Tianxiao: " The premier of Taiwan had planned
to resign, but there was a flood.
Then he said he would postpone
the resignation for one month. Why?
Because during this month, he can lead the government
to finish recovery from the flood. It’s the same in Japan.
That’s the reason why I say that this
is the very time Guo Jinlong should not resign.
Guo Jinlong wants to run away
and shirk his responsibility.”

Wen Zhao pointed out that if the resignation
is about taking responsibility, it will spark a bigger storm.
The people ask for those responsible.
This is the larger “instability” for the CCP.
So, it’s the CCP’s trick that didn’t explain
the reason why Guo Jinlong has resigned.
The basic purpose is the CCP is ‘maintaining stability’
before the 18th National Congress.

Li Tianxiao also said that based on the information that
is spread on the internet, the Chinese grievances are huge.
Chinese people don’t have a realistic solution
to restrict CCP officials from committing evil.
The disaster prevention measures in Beijing can
only be improved after the CCP regime steps down.
