

外传王立军“叛国罪”一案,于13号早上,在“成都市中级人民法院”开庭审理,但是,新加坡《联合早报网》引述一名《纽约时报》研究员Patrick Leekung Zuo在个人推特(Twitter)上的内容说,他致电成都市中级法院询问,对方否认王立军受审的消息。











采访编辑/常春 后制/王明宇

Expert Analysis: Wang Lijun’s Case is the Key

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) seem to
have finished with Gu Kailai’s trial,
but people have raised many questions on the case,
suggesting that the case has not finished yet.
Recently, there’s rumor that the case of Wang Lijun,
former director of Chongqing Public Security Bureau,
was tried at the Chengdu Intermediate People’s Court
on August 13.
Hong Kong media analyzed that, Wang Lijun’s case will not
have a public hearing, as it’s related to the CCP’s core secret.
Experts say Wang Lijun’s case and the exposure of the secret
will kill the CCP. —Here’s more from the experts.

There’s rumor that Chinese police Chief Wang Lijun’s case
was tried trailed at the
Chengdu Intermediate People’s Court
on the morning of August 13.
But Singapore’s “Zaobao.com” quoted a twitter message
by Patrick Leekung Zuo, a New York Times researcher,
who said Mr. Zuo had called Chengdu Intermediate
People’s Court, but the Court denied Wang Lijun’s trial.

Lin Zixu, a political commentator, says there are various
rumors on Wang Lijun’s trial time—it’s likely that
the different times are “smoking bombs” created by the CCP.

[Lin Zixu]: “I guess the CCP will not have a public hearing;

even the CCP does not want to release the time and place of
the trial, or Wang Lijun’s picture and all other related information.
It shows one thing—that there is a secret behind
Wang Lijun’s case which is big enough to kill the CCP.”

Well, what’s the secret then?

[Lin Zixu]: “Is it about the corruption of the CCP officials?
Chen Liangyu, Chen Xitong … the corruption of
such CCP top senior officials being exposed, means the corruption issue is not the secret.
Is it about the CCP supporting terrorists or dictatorships?—
the CCP even publicly supports al-Assad’s killing of the Syrian
people—then is it about the infighting within the CCP or
the coup that Bo Xilai planned?
Those things have been exposed by the U.S. media a few
months ago and are not secrets at all.”

Zhao Xiangchaa netizen who observed Gu Kailai’s trail,
said in his online “trial record” that,
Gu Kailai had conspired with Wang Lijun
to decoy Neil Heywood to Chongqing, and then kill him with the excuse of drug trafficking.
Xiangcha says Wang Lijun had quit the plan once started,
leaving Gu Kailai to kill Heywood by herself.
Gu Kailai had repeated many times in her statement
that Wang Lijun is too sinister.

Gu Kailai had said in her final statement at the court that
she appreciated the prosecutor and judge to giving her a trial,
to judge a case which “tore a corner of a black screen”.

The “Black Screen” mentioned by Gu Kailai
caused many netizens to ask the question:
‘Where do the steady stream of bodies in
the Dalian Corpse Processing Plant come from?’

According to exclusive coverage from the Epoch Times,
Gu Kailai’s crimes include the trading of human organs,
live organ harvesting and corpse trafficking.

Both the British businessman, Heywood,
and Chinese police chief, Wang Lijun,
had been involved in these crimes— Gu had killed
Heywood to avoid the secret from leaking.
The CCP said, Gu had killed Haywood because of economic
disputes, in order to hide the existence of such evil crimes.

[Ren Baiming, Political Commentator]:
“According to the latest insider report,
Gu Kailai and Bo Xilai have been directly involved in
the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.
Both of them have been using the corpse processing plants
to traffic the bodies to earn money.
Once this unprecedented huge evil, which exceeds people’s
limitations is exposed, the whole world will be shocked, and this will pressurize the CCP regime.”

In September 2006, the China Guanghua Science and Tech.
Foundation had awarded a ‘Special Contribution Award’
to the Scene Psychological Research Center, which
was lead by Wang Lijun, with a 2-million Yuan funding.
The awarded achievement was for conducting research
on organ transplanting after drug injections.
Wang Lijun had mentioned at the awarding speech that
the Center had done several thousand organ transplants.

Ren Baiming, a political commentator, analyzes that

the live harvesting of organs from Falun Gong practitioners
is the real key to the Wang Lijun-Bo Xilai case.
Those so called trials which are going through
the process are merely shows.
No matter what sentence Wang Lijun is given,
it’s based on political need and will not unveil the real truth to the public.
