【禁闻】刘云山入常 网民忧网络自由

【新唐人2012年11月17日讯】刘云山入常 网民忧网络自由





评论:习李政改 无奈的期望









Liu Yunshan’s Appointment as a Standing Committee Member Makes People Worry About Internet Freedom

After the CCP’s seven new Politburo Standing Committee
members appeared in public,
many netizens in China are surprised that Liu Yunshan
got one of the seven seats in the Politburo.
They are worried about information freedom on Internet
in China.
They think that Liu Yunshan, as a member of Politburo
Standing Committee, is a bad sign of liberty of Internet speech.

Some Internet citizens said that Liu Yunshan used to apply
a severe censorship of Internet information.
Since he is a Standing Committee member, there is no way
that Chinese Internet citizens are able to supervise the government.
Information freedom is nothing but wild wishes.

Some commentators said that Liu Yunshan’s
appointment as a member of the Standing Committee
has completely eliminated the possibility of
performing political reform in China.

Over the past five years, Liu Yunshan was head of
the CCP’s Central Propaganda Department.
He is known as a conservative. He has applied very
tight control of new media and the Internet.

Political Reform by Xi & Li is a Wild Wish

Commentator Li Ping from Hong Kong’s “Apple Daily”
published a commentary article on November 16.
In his article, he stated that it’s almost impossible
for Xi Jinping and Li Keqing to apply political reform.
People ever held hopes of Zhu Rongji, Hu Jintao
and Wen Jiabao.
However, in Hu & Wen’s 10-year governing, social morality
collapsed, the rich and poor polarized and military troops disintegrated.
Now China is sitting on a volcano. Expenses of stability
maintenance have exceeded military expenses.
However, “hard” protests on street and “soft” protests
on Internet are still talking place one after another.

Wen Kejian, commentator on China’s affairs,
also wrote an article on Xi & Li government.
He stated that what Xi & Li have inherited is a giant
but with legs made of mud.
Facing a decaying ideology, a corrupt official culture
and a cumbersome bureaucracy structure,
what they care most about is their own survival,
not political reform.
It’s very possible that they will repeat the paradoxes
of Hu & Wen.
Wen Kejian predicts that CCP’s regime system
will decay soon.
All kinds of political illusion the people hold on
political reform will be dashed to the ground soon.

Hu Jia Was Not Allowed to Return to His Home in Beijing

Hu Jia was forced to leave Beijing during
the 18th National Congress.
Now the 18th Congress is over, but Hu Jia is still
not allowed to return to his home in Beijing.
The reason is that Hu Jia accepted interviews from
overseas media and commented on the 18th Congress.

As reported by Radio Free Asia (RFA), on November 14,

CCP’s national security police exerted pressure on
Hu Jia’s mother, saying that Hu Jia has violated CCP’s taboo.
They said that Hu Jia published “18 requests to the 18th
Party Congress” and accepted interviews from overseas media.
Now Hu Jia is not allowed to go back to his home in Beijing.

The report quoted Hu Jia’s words that national security police
asked Hu Jia’s parents to monitor him.
Hu Jia’s mother has been suffering a lot pressure and her
health situation has been deteriorating.
She always has bad dreams at night.

In addition to exerting pressure on his parents,

Hu Jia stated that CCP’s national security police also
set up cameras around his house in Anhui province to monitor his every move.
