【禁闻】大陆多地限制查询楼房资料 为啥?















采访/李韵 编辑/周平 后制/萧宇

New Property Law Angers Mainlanders

Recently, several Mainland China cities swiftly implemented
new measures to limit the search of property ownership data.
They launched measures in specific areas, like Zhangzhou
(Fujian), Yancheng(Jiangsu), Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen.
The new measures ban searching by names of homeowners,
only allowing legal departments to do the searches.
The public thinks these new measures are to protect corrupt
officials and stop people from publicizing officials’ property.
This pulls the “anti-corruption” initiative backward.

In mid-February, Zhangzhou City in Fujian
launched a “housing registration measures.”
It states, only homeowners themselves, the police, the court,
or the legal departments can search for property information.
The new regulation does not allow the public to check
on homeowners’ names and other related data.
The public is only allowed to check property information
by providing the property certificates numbers.
The staff should keep the information confidential,
as it is not allowed to provide information on properties.

Yancheng City in Jiangsu also launched draft measures,
allowing to check property information under a condition.
Search on homeowners’ names is prohibited, except for
the homeowners, police, court, and legal departments, and they have to follow the required procedure,
The measures say, some regions leaked homeowners data,
“causing citizens to worry about their property privacy. These measures drew outsiders’ attention.”

In Guangzhou, in the past, information could be obtained
by providing property certificates number or home address.
Since January, one needs to provide property certificates
number, home address and registration number.

Hua Puo, Beijing Current Affairs Observer: “Many
Homeowners’ data had been exposed by ordinary citizens.
Usually, the Discipline Committee would make a follow up
after citizens expose corrupted officials’ cases.
This made the authorities feel useless.

Although this way real anti-corruption can be achieved,
for the leadership this isn’t good at all.
Thus, in order to cover up the scandals,
each region had launched these so-called measures.
In other words, you can’t casually enquire
for personal property information.”

Media in the Mainland China reported that new measures
are using the excuse of “privacy protection.”
However, a measure issued in 2006, clearly says, workplaces
and individuals can freely search property information.

Tang Jingling, Guangzhou human rights lawyer believes,
the new measures are only to protect officials, not civilians.

Tang Jingling: “Originally, ordinary citizens’
property information was confidential.
This has been written in a law, to ensure citizens’
confidential data must not be casually leaked out.
But now, in Guangzhou, where media is used to spread
the new measures, it means privacy protection gets too strict.
In other words, it makes more difficult for the public
to search officials’ property obtained through corruption.
Thus, the process should concentrate on protection
of local citizens’ privacy.
Regarding officials’ property information,
it should be more open.”

Hu Xingdou, a Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology
spoke to the media on the issue.
The real purpose behind the new measures is to stop people
from publicizing officials’ property, it is a step backwards.
This is an open resistance against the central government’s
anti-corruption initiatives, thinks Prof. Hu.
It shows how interest groups are doing their best to cover up
corruption and impede authorities “anti-corruption” efforts.

The website China Youth published a critical article,
saying that the measures fool and insult the public.
They are more like “protecting a thief
with a guilty conscience,” the article points out.

Chen Yongmiao: “Interest groups consider anti-corruption
as a show of maintaining human rights.
They display how clean they look on the surface. Anti-
corruption can work for them, as it can create a good image.
Xu Zongheng is a good example for that, everyone thought
he is clean, when in fact, he is very corrupt.”

Netizens commented that the new regulations
are to ‘legalize the corruption.’

Tang Jinglin: “If it is said openly that the CCP (Chinese
Communist Party) is corrupt, they can’t survive for a day.
Thus they talk in such a high profile manner
about anti-corruption.
The CCP must cater for the public’s opinions,
but the reality is, it doesn’t care about the will of the people.”

Some netizens are worried, the CCP new leadership
may withdraw the anti-corruption measures.
Tang Jingling believes, autocratic regimes must rely
on corruption to survive.
Thus it is impossible for the CCP
to truly implement anti-corruption measures.
Tang said, to be effective in anti-corruption, democratic,
free and constitutional systems must be implemented.
