【禁闻】薄案开审前 王立军案审判长解职

【新唐人2013年08月16日讯】薄案开审前 王立军案审判长解职

















China Removes Top Judge in Bo Xilai Related Case

Bo Xilai’s trial is expected to take place soon.

However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has
just announced the removal of top judge Zhong Erpu.
Zhong presided over the trial of Wang Lijun,
so the move has drawn public attention.

Observers speculate that Zhong’s dismissal is likely
to be linked to hidden secrets in the Wang Lijun case.
The regime intended to silence the judge.

During Wang’s trial, the public were most
concerned with how the secret trial is done.
All media had been refused from entering the court.

Being a top judge in Wang Lijun’s trial, Zhong must
be very clear what Wang was convicted of in court.

Taiwan’s Central News Agency quoted analysts.

The move shows that the Chinese regime
has deliberately covered up the plaintiff.
This has been to avoid secrets being exposed.

The report questioned whether Zhong’s dismissal
was a reward for his achievements in Wang Lijun’s
case or did he do something wrong in the case?
It is difficult to know right now.

However, as it happened at sensational time before the
upcoming Bo Xilai trial, it has aroused many speculations.

Wang Lijun was a former Chongqing police chief.

He had close ties with Bo Xilai, the former
Chongqing Party Secretary at that time.
In February 2012, Wang fled to the US Consulate in
Chengdu, which became a large scandal for the CCP.
According to earlier reports, Wang Lijun held a
large amount of criminal evidence about Bo Xilai.
This included removing organs from Falun Gong
practitioners when they were still alive, trafficking
their bodies, as well as plotting a military coup.

Scholar Urges Constitutional Reform in China

Xu Yinong is a senior editor and
constitutional scholar in Mainland China.
On August 13, Xu sent 13 essays to key
scholars who had free thought in Mainland China.
Xu was considered to intentionally gather freethinkers,
urging constitutional reform and re-establishing civil society.

Voice of America cited Xu Yinong.

The CCP is the leading cause for such a corrupt country
politically. Xu felt painful and thus decided to stand up.

The report said that recently, the CCP state media
and leftists attacked the idea of a constitutional system.
The wise intelligentsias were disappointed by Xi Jinping’s
lack of effort in implementation of constitutional reform.
Xu’s action is to “force Xi to reform".

Xu’s articles were circulated among
friends, and attracted many readers.
Xu’s action was considered as a political
movement, or a Gongche Shangshu movement.

Xu Yinong is 83 years old, and famous in the
academic field for two books published 20 ago.

Hangzhou Thousands of People Protest On The Street

On August 14, a driver was suspected of drink driving.

He drove a private car into a taxi,
and then beat the taxi driver.
The driver claimed he was high-level
official in the district government.
Subsequently, he was escorted by police to leave the site.

This aroused public and taxi driver’s anger.

Thousands of people blocked the road to protest
against the police from harboring this official.

Around 500 police were sent to the site,
and both sides has a standoff for over two hours.
Later the crowds dispersed.
