【禁闻】支持哈马斯恐怖组织 中行在美被告




这里是位于耶路撒冷的“ Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva”,是以色列最受尊重的犹太教研究机构之一。


Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva研究院负责人拉比•雅各•布夏皮拉(Rabbi Yaakov Shapira):“单从人权和道德的角度来看,我认为世界上每个人都应该为这次请愿伸出援手,不给恐怖主义,提供任何复兴或存在的环境。”

以色列法律组织SHURAT HA DIN负责人达山•莱特纳(Darshan-Leitner)表示,经过调查发现,发动这场血腥攻击的资金,来源于哈马斯恐怖组织在中行纽约分行的账户。甚至以色列安全官员曾经当面警告过中共官员,要求阻止那些资金的转移,但是到现在为止,中共官员没有采取任何实际行动。

2008年8月21号,以色列女律师妮扎娜•莱特纳(Nitsana Darshan-Leitne),代表100多名以色列恐怖袭击受害者和家属,向美国洛杉矶高等法院递交诉状,起诉中行转汇资助哈马斯。






《以色列报》评论员Makor Rishon告诉《新唐人》:“它暴露了中国银行没有遵循以色列和美国的法律要求,中国银行没有停止这些资金的转移,导致事情恶化,另一系列的攻击发生了,例如在耶路撒冷的餐厅‘SHAWARMA’遭到袭击,造成超过10人死亡,对以色列的火箭发射历时多年。”


采访Tal Babich 编辑/刘惠 后制萧宇

Israeli’s Sue Bank of China for Funding Hamas

NTD was recently informed that Bank of China
is involved in sponsoring Hamas, a Palestinian
organization that Israel considers is terrorist.
Hamas has taken many lives and caused property damage.

The families of Israeli victims have filed
lawsuits in the U.S. against Bank of China.
The Communist regime, instead of apologizing
to Israel, has pressure the Israeli government,
and continues to aid Hamas activity in Israel.

According to Israeli and U.S. media reports, Bank of China
is alleged to be supporting aid terrorist attacks in Israel.
It is providing financial support to Hamas.

Families of Hamas victims have filed lawsuit
in New York against the Bank of China.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) threatened the Israeli
government that this will effect economic trade with China.
It has forced the Israeli Prime Minister
to back out of these civil lawsuits.

In a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
families of victims asked for a firm standing against terror.
They also called on Netanyahu to make it
clear to the Chinese regime that the state of
Israel will not be dictated to on this matter.

Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva is a leading Jewish
Israeli research institution in Jerusalem.

In a Hamas terror attack five years
ago, eight young students were killed.

Rabbi Yaakov Shapira, Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva:
“From a human and moral perspective, I think that
everyone in the world should give a hand to this request.
There will not be anything that can give a revival or existence
to ideologies of terrorism or to those who advocate terrorism.”

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, is Director of an Israeli
based civil rights organization called Shurat Ha Din.
Nitsana Darshan-Leitner indicated that investigations
found that Bank of China, through its US based-branch,
laundered funds intended for Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

The anti-terrorism division of the Israeli government
met with Chinese officials and asked them to close
down the account, but they were refused.

On behalf of over 100 Israeli victims, attorney
Nitsana Darshan-Leitner filed a lawsuit in
Los Angeles Superior Court against Bank of China.

On October 23, 2012, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner
filed another lawsuit against Bank of China.
This was for the victims who died in a
2008 terror attack in a New York court.
The plaintiffs alleged in their complaint that starting in
2003, Bank of China executed dozens of wire transfers
to Hamas, and PIJ totaling several million dollars.
This was issued by Hamas leaders located in Iran and Syria.

The families of the victims have asked
for US$1 Billion from Bank of China.

Natan, father of a victim: “I am against the Bank of China.
I want more and more people to know what is going on.
It’s my small step into this direction. We are not running
this process because of the money, but to stop the killings.
We want respect for human rights
everywhere, not only in Israel.”

Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner indicates
that they have sued a number of banks.
Only the Chinese bank has refused
to stop aiding terrorist organizations.

Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner committed to continue
legal proceedings against the Bank of China, to comfort
those who lost their family members in terrorist attacks.

Im Tirtzu" – Building the Zionist Dream)
Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner:
“Bank of China was sued for a reason.
They transferred millions of dollars to Hamas and Islamic
Jihad, and at a time they did when Hamas needed funds.
The bank knew that the end goal
of the funds was to kill people.”

Bank of China denied the allegations.

Makor Rishon, a columnist of an Israeli media spoke to NTD:
“It exposes Bank of China to legal
claims in Israel and especially in the U.S.
Things have evolved, so that Bank of China
has not stopped making these money transfers.
Subsequently, another series of attacks occurred.

For example, there was an attack against
a restaurant, Shawarma, in Jerusalem.
This killed more than 10 people.

In another incident, there have been rockets
launched against Israel that have lasted for years.”

Canada, European Union, Japan and other democratic
countries classify Hamas as a terrorist organization.
China, Russia and Iran see it as
an Islamic Resistance Movement.
Hamas have conducted air strikes against
Israel with the Chinese-made WS-1E rockets.
