【禁闻】追大老虎 曾庆红大秘抛“你懂的”















采访/陈汉 编辑/王子琦 后制/舒灿

Is Zeng Qinghong the Next Tiger?

While former Politburo Standing Committee member Zhou Yongkang’s case is anticipated to be publicized soon to be the first tiger to be nabbed, “hitting the tiger" is becoming the mostly discussed term during the Communist parliamentary meetings.

When former secretary of Zeng Qinghong, Shi Zhihong was asked if “hitting the tiger" was supported by the veteran members of the CCP, Shi answered: You understand.

What does his reply imply? Let’s listen to the analysis.

Quoted by many Hong Kong media, the CPPCC member Shi Zhihong was asked by the media about “hitting the tiger" on the 5th March.

Shi stressed the leadership has reached a consensus, though no notification has been issued. As for the question: Is hitting the tiger supported by the veteran members? He answered: Everyone understands, and you understand.

Ren Baiming, commentator: The Communist regime is trying to maintain its ruling, yet, with worries. With the “you understand", the regime is wobbling in finding its next move.

As for the media’s comment: This is a political struggle in the name of anti-corruption.Shi Zhihong, former secretary of Zeng Qinghong, responded: Nonsense.

Li Shanjian, independent commentator: Shi Zhihong’s response serves no point to us. First of all, his political title was obtained through a connection.
He will not acknowledge that connection for sure.

Also, if the connection is tight, without claiming his new stance, he will be the next one to be cleaned out. That’s why his response serves no point because he could very well be the next to be hit.

In October last year, there have been media reports in Hong Kong, stating that the former Chinese Communist Party Politburo Standing Committee Zeng Qinghong’s niece Zeng Baobao is a business partner of Sichuan tycoon Wu Bing. Wu Bing was the key clerk of Zhou Yongkang’s family assets.

Therefore, Zeng Qinghong is considered to be involved in Zhou’s case. In response to this, Shi Zhihong said: Nonsense, again.

Li Shanjian: Corruption seems to be the biggest resentment in the Chinese society on the surface. However, the root cause of China’s current situation is not the corruption, but the many years of Communist ruling, which has developed the economy at all costs on the one hand, and persecuted human rights and religion on the other. In particular, the persecution of the Falun Gong has further ruined the already deteriorated and damaged traditional values of society.

Earlier, it was said that Zhou Yongkang’s case was conducted by a 500 people team of the so-called, Task Force II.Task Force I was for Zeng Qinghong’s investigation.

Hong Kong’s Open Magazine editor Jin Zhong had analyzed previously to NTD about signals showing that Zeng Qinghong has been sacked. He also indicated that Zeng Qinghong and his family have been investigated, and “Wang Qisan, the Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection will investigate
him for sure."

Li Shanjian: Zhou Yongkang is now a dead tiger. Who is the next big tiger?
Who is the target of Task Force I?

In fact, Zeng Qinghong is very likely to be the one, no matter how it is being denied.

NTDTV Commentary Program Host Shi Tao believes that today’s Zeng Qinghong has had his four legs cut off. His only tactic now is to struggle through
overseas media exposures.

Commentator Ren Baiming reminds us of the very strange and urgent situation of the CCP being the strangulation process between the Jiang and Xi factions.It depends on the determination of Xi Jinping.However, whatever Xi and Li will do to the Jiang faction, the issue of Falun Gong can not be skipped.

Ren Baiming: The persecution of Falun Gong has been going on for so long that the rule of ethics and morals have been damaged to the extreme.

Through the persecution, Jiang’s faction have cultivated a large numbers of corrupt officials. Without solving the issue of Falun Gong, everything else
will be in vain.

When asked by reporters when will the result of the tiger be released, Shi Zhihong took former Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai’s case as an example: It will be published when the time is right.As for whether it will be released after the parliamentary meetings, he said, “wait and see."

Interview/Chenhuan Edit/Wang Ziqi Post-Production/Sucan
