【禁闻】纽时:周永康家族拥37企业 财富至少10亿










中共澳洲设秘密间谍网 监控留学生




中共这么严密的间谍网络,促使澳澳大利亚安全情报组织(Australian Security Intelligence Organization)建立新的反情报能力,并将工作重点从原先的反恐移转到反制中共的情报活动。


New York Times Again Exposes Zhou Yongkang’s
Family Wealth

Numerous reports exposing Politburo Standing Committee
Zhou Yongkang have been in the headlines for some time.
On April 21 NY Times reported again in a lengthy
article about Zhou Yongkang’s family wealth.

Corporate documents filed with the government show that
three of Mr. Zhou’s relatives, a sister-in-law, a son and
Ms. Zhan, the son’s mother-in-law hold or controlled stakes
in at least 37 companies scattered across a dozen provinces.
The companies are mainly focused on investments in energy,
mostly in ventures with the state-owned oil giant PetroChina.

In all, the holdings are worth at least one billion renminbi,
without including real estate or overseas assets, which are
more difficult to identify and assess.

Jiansanjiang Secretly Transfered Detained
Falun Gong Practitioners

Minghui.org reported on April 21 that seven Falun Gong
practitioners illegally detained by Jiansanjiang police along
with four lawyers have recently been secretly transferred to
different locations prior to the expiry of their detentions.

Meanwhile, the Communist Communist Party (CCP) have
expanded the suppression to the surrounding areas such as
Jiamusi, Harbin and Hongxinglong.

Many local Falun Gong practitioners were under severe
monitoring and warning by the police to keep them from
going to Jiansanjiang to show support to the victims.

According to reports, all 11 people arrested were subject to
severe torture.
The four lawyers were released with the following diagnoses:
Tang Jitian had ten broken ribs, broken teeth, and was
threatened with removal of his kidney and be buried alive;

Wang Cheng had ribs fractured on the left side;
Jiang Tianyong was full of bruises on the chest and abdomen;
Zhang Junjie had three spine bone fractures.

The Falun Gong practitioners Wu Dongsheng, Ding Huijun
and Meng Fanli were dying from the torture and were rushed
to the hospital emergency at one point of time.

As for the other Falun Gong practitioners, their situations are
yet to be identified.

Chinese Communist Party’s Secret Spies Monitoring
Chinese Students in Australia

According to Australia’s The Age report of April 21, China is
building large covert spy networks inside Australia’s leading
universities monitoring ethnic Chinese communities to protect
Beijing’s ‘ ‘core interests’.

A senior lecturer said he was questioned four times by China’s
main spy agency over comments he made at a seminar about
democracy at the University of NSW, reported The Age.

The report added, in one case, security officials told parents in
China to constrain the activities of their son, after informants
reported he had seen the Dalai Lama in Australia.

China’s large covert spy networks inside Australia’s leading
universities, prompted Australia to shift Australian counter-
intelligence priorities from being previously dominated by
counter-terrorism activities, said the report.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
