【禁闻】东八块再起风波 巡视组与江系恶斗?




“东八块”涉及到的动迁居民超过了1万户,由于赔偿不公引发持续纠纷,东八块流离失所居民不断到北京和地方政府上访。 2003年“东八块”地区居民聘请大陆维权律师郑恩宠状告周正毅,不久周正毅被捕。但一个月后郑恩宠也被当局以“泄漏国家秘密罪”判刑三年。










采访编辑/刘惠 后制/钟元

Re-Occurring Turmoil In East Eight Blocks: Is The Inspection Team Fiercely Fighting With Jiang’s Faction?

Recently, the home of Shanghai human rights lawyer Zheng
Enchong was raided once again because he exposed
former CCP leader Jiang Zemin’s second son.

Petitioners from Shanghai’s East Eight Blocks smoothly
submitted appeal materials to the Inspection Team
of the CCP Central Committee which is now stationed
in Shanghai.
They hope Xi Jinping will blow the lid off
of the corruptive official domain in Shanghai.
Commenters say that the inspection team is destroying Jiang
Zemin’s lair, while Jiang’s gang is still in desperate resistance.

On Aug. 22, about 50 petitioners from Shanghai Jing’An
District visited inspection teams offices to submit materials.
Many petitioners are residents of the East Eighth district
of Jing’An District in Shanghai.
They briefed the inspection team with the appeal
and accepted the submitted materials.

The East Eight Blocks, a prime Shanghai location
in the Jing’An District in the northeast of the city,
is the short name for eight blocks of redeveloped
land plots.
The total land area of the East Eight Blocks
is nearly 180,000 square meters.
In May 2002, when Huang Ju was the Head of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) of Shanghai, the Shanghai municipal
government transferred, via contract, these plots to Zhou
Zhengyi, “the richest man in Shanghai," without any lease fee.
Allegedly, the two blocks belong to Jiang Zemin’s son.

The East Eight Blocks involve the relocation
of more than 10,000 households.
Due to ongoing injustice disputes caused by unfair
compensations damages, the displaced residents
continually appealed to local governments and Beijing.

In 2003, residents of the East Eight Blocks engaged
human rights lawyer Zheng Enchong to indict Zhou Zhengyi.
Shortly, Zhou Zhengyi was arrested.

One month later, Zheng Enchong was also sentenced
for three years on charges of leaking state secrets.

After experiencing many twists and turns, the original three
neighborhoods within the East Eight Blocks have planned
public green spaces while the remaining five were included
in the newly planned service industry gathering areas.
Last June, when Obama and Xi Jinping met, Shanghai
government again went into a high-profile bidding
auction on the East Eight Blocks.

At that time, Deng Enchong told NTD the land was again
under the control of Jiang Zemin’s youngest son,
which shows Jiang Zemin is challenging Xi Jinping
and giving a blow to Xi Jinping.

Lu Fuzhong, one of the East Eight Block victims: “We have
handed over the appealing materials to the CCP Central
Committee inspection team and the inspection team
has carefully listened to our views.
There are many problems regarding this matter.
When people still did not move away, then our land was
mortgaged to a bank and we have been paid nothing.
Some officials of the Property Management Department
of the Government also had their homes
in our neighborhood;
part of our resettlement houses were allocated
to residents whose apartments were destroyed by the fire
on Nov. 15 in 2010."

Many residents who previously lived in East Eight Blocks
have been displaced for dozens of years.
They appealed many times, but the problem was not
addressed, and they were also beaten and detained.

Shen Yuqing ,one of East Eight Block petitioners:
“My husband Ho Shengqin was forced to die due
to the mandatory demolitions.

That time Zhou Zhengyi teamed up with Huang Ju.

They used the zero lease fee policy to transfer land
to Zhou Zhengyi for development.
Such a policy is to encourage residents to move back
into the redeveloped buildings.
But he did not allow us to move back.

On the contrary, we were forced to relocate
to the outskirts of Shanghai.
I am a tenant now and have been renting an apartment
for 11 years."

Jiang Zemin, Huang Ju and the former Shanghai CCP Head
Chen Liangyu, known as the Shanghai Gang’s iron triangle.
Huang Ju was the pivotal figure of the Shanghai Gang.

Due to being promoted by Jiang Zemin,
Huang Ju climbed up to become
the first Deputy Prime Minister of the CCP,
but died of disease in 2007.
Chen Liangyu was investigated as a criminal in 2006 because
of a Shanghai social security fund embezzlement case.

After Zheng Enchong was released from prison,
he repeatedly wrote an open letter to report Huang Ju,
Chen Liangyu and the incumbent Shanghai CCP Head
Han Zheng are harboring and collaborating with wealthy
Shanghai businessman Zhou Zhengyi for the misappropriation
of national land resources.
They have applied for review by the highest Procuratorate.

After the Inspection team was stationed in Shanghai,
the CCP mouthpiece issued a document regarding
special investigation on real estate corruption.

Recently, Deng Enchong’s home was raided again because
he exposed Jiang Zemin’s second son Jiang Miankang,
who took the six highest state-owned government
real estate positions, which are little-known.

Asia’s Newsweek Director Huang Jinqiu: “Shanghai is indeed
an area of Jiang Zemin.
Many people promoted by him may
still be holding their positions.
Zheng Enchong reported Jiang Zemin’s son in this way,
they of course will respond.
The central inspection team visits Shanghai, but whether
they bring Jiang to justice should have an observation
process just like treating Zhou Yongkang’s case."

As a former heads of Shanghai Public Security Bureau
and Shanghai Municipal Political and Law Committee,
Wu Zhiming is allegedly Jiang Zemin wife’s nephew.

He presided over the Politics and Law Committee
in Shanghai for 11 years until last May.
Hong Kong media said that in April of last year, Wu Zhiming’s
passport was confiscated by the Central Government.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/ZongYuan
