【禁闻】中国坏账飙升 “坏账银行”渔利















采访编辑/秦雪 后制/李勇

Soaring Bad Debt In China Leads “Bad Banks" To Profit

One of the four bad Banks in China is raising its capital
and preparing for its market list.
China’s Huarong Capital Management Company attracted
$2.4 billion from investors such as the U.S. based
Warburg Pincus, Goldman Sachs and others.

However, when Huarong announced financing on Aug. 28,
another bad Chinese bank, Cinda Asset Management
Company, which was listed in Hong Kong last year,
suffered the worst single-day decline of stocks
over the past seven months.

Asset Management Company is the official name
for the bad bank.
China’s four asset management companies were
established in the 1990s by the CCP in order
to separate the bank bad debts.

Each of the four major banks set up an asset management
company for taking over 15 percent of bad debts
of the total assets of each major bank.

Huarong is a Commercial Bank of China,
Cinda a China Construction Bank,
Great Wall an Agricultural Bank of China,
and China Oriental a Bank of China.

Last Thursday, Huarong said that it had attracted
the interest of more than 80 global investors.
Eventually, it sold a 21 percent stake for $2.4 billion
to a consortium which is comprised of the CITIC Securities,
China international Capital Corporation,
China Oils & Foodstuffs Corporation,
Goldman Sachs Group and the US-based Warburg Pincus.

On Aug. 28, the Chairman of the Board of Huarong Company,
Lai Xiaomin, said on a news conference that the company
was scheduled to be publicly listed in Hong Kong
before the end of this year.

Bad banks buy bad loans from the giant state-owned banks
at a discount, and then profit off of the bad loans.
Large state-owned banks such as Agricultural Bank of China
and Bank of China, said a few days ago sold 8.3 billion Yuan
and 7.0 billion Yuan bad debts, respectively,
during the first six months of this year.
At the same time, Huarong raised $1.5 billion
in July by selling U.S. bonds.

China’s economic growth slowed in recent years,
but this ignited a surge in bad debts of the banking system
and other financial areas, making bad banks such as
Huarong and Cinda more attractive for investors.

Mr. Duan Shaoyi is the assistant of the Director
of Beijing-based Unirule Economics Institute.
He said that due to the monopoly status of state-owned
banks in China, “lying down can also make money."
Investors are also very confident in bad banks.

According to a Wall Street Journal report, currently the bad
banks have expanded their business scope far beyond
the initial non-performing loans, and now involve
nearly all of the financial sectors of the countries.
For example, Huarong Company has its own
branch companies in the areas of banking,
trust, financial leasing and securities.

Duan Shaoyi: “Such an investment in the future could be
diverted into two very good investment directions.
The first direction is to open a bank, and the second
is for the acquisition of non-performing assets.
China’s current economic situation is very poor, which might
push many Chinese companies into the verge of bankruptcy
in the coming years without a long time.

If many companies declare bankruptcy,
then there are two possible results.
The first is the reorganization of the assets,
and the second is the fire sale of the assets.
So once a bad bank absorbs enough capital,
it will be able to have prioritized speech rights
on the market, it can give priority
to good investment opportunities."

Last year Cinda become the first publicly listed bad bank
in Hong Kong of the four Chinese bad banks.
During the first two months after Cinda was listed
last December, its stock rose 50 percent to HK $5.43,
but after that, it became the worst performing stock
of Hong Kong-listed Chinese financial stocks.
It fell 18 percent this year.

Duan Shaoyi noted that comparible companies to Cinda
assets management are in essence state-owned enterprises,
and he was not optimistic on the development prospects
of all state-owned enterprises.

Duan Shaoyi: “State-owned enterprises have no efficiency.

It is very usual for a good motivation of state-owned
enterprises to produce dire results.

So in the actual operation, the final result is often not good."

Financial Times reported that in the late 1990s,
after the mandatory governmental lending boom,
the Chinese banking arena had already been technically
The bad debts accounted for 40 percent
of the portfolio of the bank system.

To solve this problem, Beijing established Huarong
and three other asset management companies,
and peeled 1.4 trillion yuan of bad loans
from the state-owned banks books.
The government then injected hundreds of billions
of new capital into banks, sold shares of these banks
to foreign investors, and ultimately all of them were listed
in Hong Kong.
However, Beijing still maintains the majority of stake
and the actual control of these banks.

According to the financial reports of a few major
Chinese state-owned banks submitted to Hong Kong
and Shanghai Stock Exchanges in the first half of this year,
the bad debts soared.
At present, the transaction prices of all the major listed
Chinese banks are lower than the book values.

Interview & Edit/QinXue Post-Production/LiYong
