【禁闻】香港占中第二天 市民自发“占领”

















采访/朱智善 编辑/尚燕 后制/舒璨

Hong Kongers Launch Sit-ins on Second Day of Occupy Central Sit-in

Hong Kong’s Occupy Central civil disobedience movement
enters the second day of protests on Sept. 29.
Protests in the streets continue, ignoring Chief Executive Leung
Chun-ying’s call for their end after the previous night’s conflict.
Meanwhile, many different groups have also begun
spontaneously responding to the protest.
The participants of Occupy Central say that the Government’s
insistence will increase difficulty in future rule of Hong Kong.

When the morning sun shine fall on the Central building, the
streets are still full of protest people: some people stay there
overnight and take a break on the spot; while others came back
after freshen up at home.

It has been a night of unrest, as Hong Kong riot police used
pepper spray and tear gas in attempts to disperse protesters.
However, the crowd dispersed and gathered again
and again like the white smoke of the tear gas.
Apple Daily reports that more than 60,000 people
occupied arterial roads going from Causeway Bay to Central;
and extended to Kowloon by midnight.

As daylight arrived, traffic in the area came to a
complete standstill.
Police blocked nearly all major streets to Central.

In addition to Central, Admiralty, and Causeway Bay,
there are also large number people gathered at the crossroads
of the busy district of Mong Kok, Kowloon.

Nicole, a Hong Kong citizen on the scene: “People sit
separately at the intersection of Argyle Street and Nathan Road,
by the HSBC.

We are preparing to avoid police’s pepper spray and tear gas
if they attempt to disperse people."

Some business people and other citizens spontaneously
brought water and food to the Occupy Central participants
despite the terrible traffic.

Yang Kuang, Hong Kong citizen: “People in several places are
saying many stores and supermarkets sent then a lot of food.
Actually, we can see how Hong Kong people desire for the

This desire of Hong Kong people can be seen
from spontaneous strikes on Monday by all walks of life.

More than 1,000 students participated in the kick-off event
at the City University of Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union (PTU) also strongly condemned the government and police’s “madness” and
decided to launch a strike for all Hong Kong teachers.

Meanwhile, the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
(HKCTU) and Reclaiming Social Work Movement also called
for a strike.

The situation of Occupy Central’s second day resembles what
Scholarism sponsor Huang Zhifeng said in a radio program:
People spontaneously went to occupy instead of directed by
Scholarism, HK Student Federation or Occupy Central.
Now, only Leung’s stepping down
or response can stop the occupation.

Nicole: “We call the government’s political reform
‘dropping the gate.’
We want genuine universal suffrage, not a basic screening.

If they don’t agree with this basic one, we will paralyze the
traffic in Central, in Mong Kok and the whole Hong Kong.
Because we care about Hong Kong’s future
and don’t want it to become like mainland [China]. “

During a Sunday night speech, Hong Kong Chief Executive
Leung urged people to peacefully disperse as soon as possible
to stop the Occupy Central movement.

However, he didn’t mention whether the government will
have dialogue with the public or not, nor when will it do so.

Yang Kuang, Hong Kong citizen: “In fact, there was another
line that we should have universal suffrage in 2007.
But there was no universal suffrage then, there’s none now,
and now we’re told there won’t be any in the future.
This is unacceptable.
Hong Kong people have been deceived for over 10 years.
Even up until now, you can’t tell me we will talk about it
for sure 50 years down the road.
We absolutely cannot accept this. “

What is the next step for Occupy Central if Leung
insists on Beijing’s strategy?
City University of Hong Kong professor Joseph Cheng Yu-shek,
who joined in Sunday’s protest and was detained by police,
says the Hong Kong people will continue peaceful protest.

Joseph Cheng Yu-shek, professor: “Hong Kong people don’t
trust Leung’s and Beijing’s governments because they
aren’t legitimate or acceptable in the public eye.

It will become very difficult for the Special Administrative
Region Government to maintain effective control. “

However, some Monday news reports say the Occupy Central
activity has brought Leung “sharp criticism” from
Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping.

Apple Daily quoted overseas Chinese media report saying
Leung and China liaison official Zhang Xiaoming’s stepping
down has become the inevitable solution to resolve
Hong Kong problem’s with minimum cost.
However, the report hasn’t been confirmed by a third-party.

Interview/Zhu Zishan Edit/ShangYan Post-Production/ShuCan
