












第九届加拿大汉密尔顿电影节,11月9号在安大略省汉密尔顿市落下帷幕,为期一周的电影节共展映了140部独立制作影片。其中,以揭露中共活摘器官罪行为题材的《大卫战红魔》(Davids and Goliath)脱颖而出,获得了最佳记录片奖。

影片《大卫战红魔》记录了加拿大人权律师大卫‧麦塔斯(David Matas)和前国会议员、亚太司司长大卫‧乔高(David Kilgour),多年来为调查发生在中国大陆的活摘器官真相所付出的努力,同时独家采访了几位去中国大陆移植器官的病人。



Xi Jinping and Obama Talk About Hong Kong Demonstrations.

On Nov.12, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) president
Xi Jinping and U.S. president Barack Obama met in Beijing.

They held a joint press conference after the meeting.

Xi and Obama made declarations on the Hong Kong
demonstrations, their first public comments on the issue.

Obama assured that the United States had nothing to do
with demonstrations and protests in Hong Kong.

The U.S. voiced support for justice and transparency in the
Hong Kong elections, which should reflect the Hong Kong
peoples’ own will.

Obama also said he stood for peoples’ right
of free expression.

Xi Jinping dismissed Hong Kong’s occupy central
demonstrations as “illegal”.

Xi stressed that Hong Kong affairs are exclusively “China’s
internal affairs”, and foreign countries should not interfere.

Leaders of Occupy Central Plan to Surrender Next Week

Nov. 12 marks 46 days of Hong Kong’s Occupy
Central movement.

The movement is currently under increasing pressure, as the
Hong Kong High Court had issued extended injunctions.

They are ordering a cleanup of occupied areas.

Rumors said police will soon take steps to clear
protester sites.

Three co-founders of the movement told media that,
they planned to surrender in the next week.

In doing so to deliver to the public the message of
“occupy meanwhile respect the law”.

A Ming Pao report said, Professor Benny Tai, Chan Kin-man
and Chu Yiu-ming (three leaders of the movement) plan to
turn themselves in to police around next Friday (Nov.21).

The date will be confirmed after they discuss with
other Occupy Central groups.

The report quoted leaders of Occupy Central that,
surrender is not withdrawal.

By surrendering, they want to show the attitude that leaders
of the movement are willing to take legal responsibility
and have respect for rule of the law.

Hong Kong Residents Have Historical Low Identification
Toward The Chinese Communist Party

According to a latest poll, Hong Kong residents again show
declining identification to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The number of Hong Kong residents who are willing to
call themselves “Chinese” has dropped to a historical low.

On Nov.12, Agency France Presse reported a poll result
by the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The report said, only 8.9% of interviewees agreed that
they are Chinese.

That is a huge drop from 32.1% in 1997, when Hong Kong
was handed over to the CCP.

This is also a historical low since the annual poll
started in 1996.

“David and Goliath” Won Best Documentary Award at The
Hamilton Film Festival

The 9th Hamilton Film Festival concluded on Nov.9
in Ontario, Canada.

The one-week festival screened 140 independently
produced films including “David and Goliath”.

“This is a film about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
crimes of live organ harvesting.

It won the Best Documentary Award.

“David and Goliath” told the story of Canadian rights lawyer
David Matas and former member of Canadian House of
Commons David Kilgour.

They had put numerous efforts in investigating the truth
of live organ harvesting taking place in mainland China.

The film also includes interview footages of several patients
who had visited China for organ transplantation.

“David and Goliath” is also nominated in Viewster Online
Film Festival, the biggest online film festival in the world.

The film can be watched freely online on viewster.com
between Nov. 13 and 27.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
