加拿大国会议员Ziad Aboultaif 庆法轮大法日讲话

【新唐人北京时间2019年05月15日讯】加拿大国会议员Ziad Aboultaif:“你们倡导真善忍。这些原则鼓励人们成为善良的人,以及摒弃消极的想法和行为。正如我倡导的,你们的努力,你们的目标,你们的原则,你们的目标和奋斗,为你们赢得了很多朋友和众多的支持者。”

I’m very very impressed, always been, with your determination, your strength, what you fight for, and what your advocate for. You advocate for truthfulness, compassion as well as forbearance. With these principles, it encourages followers to be virtuous people, and how to abandon negative thoughts and actions. With your activities, with your goals, with your principles, with what you aim and fight for, as I said I advocate for, you have so many friends and so many supporters.
