许多参加投票的选民,经历了漫长的等待,尤其是在亚特兰大都会区(Atlanta area)。投票之前,队伍在整个城市街区蜿蜒而行。据报导,有的选民早早排队,在等待了长达5个小时后才开始投票。
I was just sent this video of the line for early voting at the Ponce Library in Fulton, also hearing that the South Fulton site started late & also has a long line pic.twitter.com/yog3TkHtoD
— Justin Gray (@JustinGrayWSB) October 12, 2020
31岁的凯瑟琳·坎贝尔(Kathleen Campbell)接受了美国全国广播公司(NBC)的电话采访。她在亚特兰大高等艺术博物馆(Atlanta’s High Museum of Art)投票点投票,她说,她花了两个多小时才排到队伍的最前面。
参议员大卫·珀杜(David Perdue)面临一场紧迫的连任竞选,参议员凯莉·洛夫勒(Kelly Loeffler)则面临一场补选。去年底,共和党参议员约翰尼·伊萨克森(Johnny Isakson)退休,12月4日,州长任命洛夫勒接替其职务,直到举行大选。

Just met a woman coming out of poll here. Waited in line since just before poll opened at 7 am and she is just now leaving. Basically hour and 45 minutes to vote here in Houston. The line is still wrapped around the building. pic.twitter.com/BTGAw0upOY
— Jeremy Wallace (@JeremySWallace) October 13, 2020
Folks have been lining up to vote early at the NRG arena site in Houston since 5am. Doors open at 7am. Right now the line stretches down to the freeway. I’ll have a live interview with one of those voters coming up on @NBCNewsNow. pic.twitter.com/aV3zBg3lMu
— Priscilla Thompson (@PriscillaWT) October 13, 2020