
Episode 9 Free Living “Donor” Organ Transplants

【新唐人北京时间2021年08月06日讯】【铁证如山系列讲座】第09集 突击移植活人器官大促销 Episode 9: Free Living “Donor" Organ Transplants

第9集 内容提要 Executive summary:

2006年3月9日,中共大规模活摘法轮功器官的苏家屯集中营事件被曝光。面对活摘器官的指控,中共政府和器官移植界出现了短暂的沉默,全国的器官移植机构突然停了,安静了。三个星期之后,中共外交部发言人否认了苏家屯集中营的存在,并且,官方出台了《人体器官移植技术临床应用管理暂行规定》 ,规定从2006年7月1日开始筛选器官移植资质的医院,从2007年5月1日以后,没有资质的医院不能再开展器官移植。那就是说,2007年5月1日之前的一年内,还可以随便做。于是,暂行规定颁布后,全国众多医院出现疯狂地突击移植,突然间有大量的器官,需要加班加点的赶着做器官移植,器官多到低价促销,甚至免费赠送。全国突击移植的疯狂状态,至少持续1年多。 The CCP’s large-scale systematic organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners held in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp in Liaoning Province of northeastern China was exposed by the international media on March 9, 2006. Facing the allegations, the CCP and China’s organ transplant industry kept silent for three weeks. The Foreign Ministry spokesperson then denied the camp’s existence. In the meanwhile, “Interim Provisions to Manage Clinical Applications of Human Organ Transplant Technologies” were issued and stated that the CCP would start screening organ transplant hospitals on July 1, 2006 for qualification, and that starting from May 1, 2007, unqualified hospitals could no longer carry out organ transplants. After the Interim Provisions were announced, many hospitals across China saw a dramatic increase in their organ transplant operations. Hospitals nationwide suddenly had a large number of organs available, and their medical personnel were required to work overtime to transplant organs. This nationwide organ transplant rush lasted at least for a period of more than one year.


这是一部中、英双语版系统地揭露中共活摘法轮功学员器官国家群体灭绝犯罪的大型教学片。影片呈现了追查国际十多年来对中共活摘调查的主要证据。其中包括对5名中共中央政治局常委、军委副主席、国防部长、军方总后勤部卫生部部长、政法委、“610”、法院、活摘现场目击者、全国41家器官移植医院的45个院长、主任、医生等调查录音。是全面了解和深入研究中共活摘罪行的大型速成资料片。 “Ironclad Irrefutable Evidence” is a Chinese and English documentary series exposing the CCP’s organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners in China. It is a collection of more than a decade of investigation by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG). It includes recordings of evidence from five Committees of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee: the former vice-chairman of the Military Commission, the former Minister of National Defense, the former head of health division of Department of the Central Military Commission, the Political Committee, and Legal Committee; the “610 Office," courts, on-site witnesses; and 45 hospital presidents, department directors, and doctors from 41 organ transplant hospitals in China. It is an informative resource that provides a comprehensive understanding and in-depth study of the CCP’s crime of live organ harvesting.


追查国际一如既往,彻底追查迫害法轮功的一切罪行以及相关的机构、组织和个人,无论天涯海角,无论时日长短,必将追查到底,行天理,再现公道,匡扶人间正义。这就是我们对神的承诺,我们永不放弃。 As always, WOIPFG will continue to investigate the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; to bring such investigations, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and deep we have to search, to full closure; to exercise fundamental principles of humanity; to restore and uphold justice in society.



Browsing the catalog can help you understand the general outline and structure of the program,

so as not to miss important information. In particular, the evidence that Jiang Zemin ordered live harvesting, the evidence that 5 Polibuto Standing Committee members, the Military Commission, and the General Logistics Department participated in the live harvesting, and the investigation evidence of 45 hospital deans and directors are included in episodes 23, 24, 25, and 26.

第1集 目击者举证

Episode 1 Eyewitness Testimony

第2集 实名举报惊天黑幕

Episode 2 Shocking Live Organ Harvesting

第3集 凶手直白Episode

3 Murderers Acknowledge Their Crimes)


Episode 4 Organ Harvesting Cases from 12 Regions: Video

第5集 军医大学活摘调查取证的现场录像

Episode 5 Organ Harvesting in a Military Medical University: Video

第6集 器官移植爆炸性增长

Episode 6 Explosive Growth in Organ Transplants

第7集 中国器官海外倾销

Episode 7 China’s Overseas Organ Dumping

第8集 活摘器官集中营曝光

Episode 8 Concentration Camp Exposed

第9集 活人器官免费大促销

Episode 9 Free Living “Donor" Organ Transplants

第10集 器官移植持续高涨

Episode 10 Continuously Increasing Organ Transplants

第11集 再度肝移植免费促销!

Episode 11 Another Free Liver Transplant Promotion

第12集 中美器官等待时差100倍

Episode 12 100 Times Less Average Wait Time

第13集 器官等待平均一至二周

Episode 13 Average Wait Time of One to Two Weeks

第14集 急诊肝移植高达26.6%

Episode 14 Emergency Liver Transplants

第15集 一台移植三个活人备用供体

Episode 15 Three Standby Living Donors

第16集 一个医院一天肝肾移植24台

Episode 16 24 Transplants in a Day

第17集 器官热缺血时间超短

Episode 17 Extremely Short Warm Ischemia Times

第18集 医生论文泄露杀人证据

Episode 18 Medical Papers Reveal Evidence of Murders

第19集 器官活人供体库更多证据

Episode 19 Massive Living Organ Donor Pool

第20集 来源死囚器官是骗局

Episode 20 False Organ Sourcing Claims

第21集 器官来于公民捐献是谎言

Episode 21 Organ Donation Lie

第22集 最初活人器官库主体来源

Episode 22 Sources for the Living Organ Donor Pool

第23章 活摘法轮功学员器官是江泽民下令

Episode 23 Live Organ Harvesting Ordered by Jiang

第24集 取证中共高层参与活摘

Episode 24 Top Officials’ Organ Harvesting Crime

第25集 取证政法委、610参与活摘

Episode 25 The 610 Office’s Role in Organ Harvesting

第26集 全国军、警、司法、地方医院参与活摘

Episode 26 Military, Police and Judiciary Involvement in Organ Harvesting

第27集 活摘规模惊人

Episode 27 The Astonishing Scale of Live Organ Harvesting

第28集 活人人体实验

Episode 28 Living Human Experiments

第29集 人体标本背后的惊天黑幕

Episode 29 Shocking Secrets Behind Plastinated Human Bodies

第30集 活摘是中共杀人历史的延续

Episode 30 The CCP’s History of Murder


1. 追查国际:https://www.zhuichaguoji.org/node/133789
2. YouTube:https://youtu.be/vkySOFMdjto


