【新唐人2011年2月9日讯】谷歌中东及北非市场部主管威尔•戈宁( Wael Ghonim),在大示威之前多个月,一直在网上号召和串连示威,而成为埃及英雄。同时,他在一年前已经预示,互联网有改变政治面貌的威力,谁知一语成谶。不过,他在大示威开始的第四天,失踪了。一起看看怎么回事?
香港《苹果日报》报导,去年6月,28岁埃及男子赛义德(Khaled Said)被怀疑遭到警员报复打死,埃及全国震怒。戈宁和朋友们利用facebook开设网页悼念赛义德,最终成为筹组多个城市的反警察暴力示威,以及批评埃及政府的平台。
在示威初期,戈宁在Twitter的留言说“革命可以是一件很fb(facebook)的事,可以 liked、shared和 tweeted”。他还被这次示威的网上组织“4月6日青年运动”推举为发言人。
比尔•夏:“最近几天,新唐人电视台是在 网上播出全球华人新年晚会,有非常多的人都是要来观看。这是最近的很多人来用(动态网)的这样的一个事情。
Months before the protests in Egypt began, Wael Ghonim, head of Marketing at Google for Middle East & North Africa, had been calling for demonstrations on the Internet. This hero said one year ago that the Internet had the power to elicit political change. This made him a prophet. He became missing 4 days after the demonstration started.What happened? Let’s take a look.
The government labeled Wael Ghonim as “traitor”. Some witnesses videotaped him being taken away, probably by the Egyptian plainclothes. However, under the pressure from the oppositions, Ghonim was released on Feb. 08, 2011.
On Jan.27, the third day of the protests, Ghonim wrote on his Facebook, “When I said the Internet would change the politics in Egypt, some of my friends ridiculed me.”
Those words have made him a prophet.
According to Apple Daily in Hong Kong, in June 2010, the death of the 28-year-old Khaled Said, allegedly killed by revengeful police shocked Egypt.
Ghonim and his friends mourned Said on Facebook.Later, the webpage became a platform for criticizing the government and organizing anti-police brutality protests in several cities.
2 days before the protest, Ghonim called upon his friends to join the demonstrations on Facebook On the day of the protest, he said to followers on Twitter, “Even my families warned me, I would still join the demonstration on Jan 25.”
At the beginning of protest, Ghonim wrote on twitter, revolution can be very fb (Facebook.)It can be liked, shared and tweeted.He was named as spokesman for the online group April 6 Youth Movement that organized the protest.
On the 4th day of the protest, he sensed the danger,“Let’s pray for Egypt. We’re all prepared to die.” The government later cut off the Internet in Egypt,
and Ghonim went missing.
Ghonim, as an executive at Google, used Facebook and Twitter to change the political landscape of Egypt.
In China, however, Google, Facebook, and Twitter are all blocked by the regime’s firewall.The software developed by U.S. based DIT Inc. helps Chinese break through the firewall and access info from websites, including these 3.
Bill Xia, President of DIT, “As to China, the fundamental issue is to help people get the true information,so that they can make their own judgment.”
Xia said netizens are excited to see the info on DynaWeb. There are a large group of users now.They are spreading the information in China.
Xia:“recently, the New Tang Dynasty TV has been showing the Chinese New Year Special Program online. Many people swarmed to watch it. That increased the number of users for DynaWeb. ”
Ghonim used his Facebook page as a platform to call for protests and changed the politics in Egypt.DynaWeb helps Chinese people get true information
as a way to breaks the lies of the Communist Party.
NTD reporters An Xin, Li Jing, and …