


但是,当知项欠在2008年3月26日却被中共当局秘密抓捕起来。 。在经历了一年多的非法囚禁后,2009年12月28日,中共以“颠覆国家政权”罪判当知项欠6年有期徒刑。



嘉央慈诚也是将当知项欠的影片进行最终剪切合成并将其公诸于世的人。当他一年多前收到表弟冒着生命危险拍摄出的近40盒录像带后,嘉央慈诚便和朋友们一起夜以继日的完成了后续工作,并赶在08北京奥运前将最后整合出的25分钟短片《远离恐惧》(Leaving fear behind)向世界媒体人士首映。此后,这一短片被翻译成5种语言,传遍世界30多个国家。



[Crowd of Tibetans watching a DVD of the Dalai Lama receiving the Congressional Gold Medal, they prostrate and many of them are crying]


Old man, crying: We are offering all our prayers to the Dalai Lama. We keep him in all our prayers. We may only be simple nomads but this is what we believe.


Old man, sitting crossed legged and bent over:For the Dalai Lama to come back is my greatest wish and dream but it doesn’t look like this will be realised. [Breaks down, bursts into tears] Dalai Lama, Dalai Lama, I pray to you. I only have to hear his name and I am filled with faith, devotion and deep deep sadness.The situation is hopeless. I feel exhausted. It’s as though I were walking alone, with no destination, endlessly.

老人,盘腿而坐,弯着腰:达赖喇嘛的回归是我最大的心愿和梦想,但是这看来是难以实现了……【情绪 失控,失声痛哭:】达赖喇嘛,达赖喇嘛,我向您祈祷……我只要听到他的名字,我的内心便充满了信仰、忠诚和深深的悲伤。局面毫无希望。我感到身心交瘁。就 好像一个人独自走在漫漫无尽的长路上。

Old lady with her hands together as though praying: I’m 60 years old and the chance to meet him just once before I die would be worth more to me than 100 horses and 1000 bulls.


Old woman with white hair and laughing: If the Dalai Lama were to return, I’d be so happy I’d be prepared to jump into the river and die.


Old man: Even if I had to sacrifice my life for this message to be seen by the Dalai Lama, I agree with and welcome this chance.


Young nomad girls standing in the field, one is holding a child: We are just nomads who have never been to school. What we want to say is that we hope the Dalai Lama will come back to Tibet soon.


Young man: We’re not free to possess photos of the Dalai Lama so we have to hide them. [shows his hidden photos which are in a cupboard] If the government finds them they confiscate them. A while ago we were told that these kinds of photos were not allowed so we have to keep them secret. Otherwise they’ll be taken away.


DW talks into camera: It is important for Tibetans both inside and outside Tibet to think about getting Tibet back into our own hands. It can’t be achieved by just one man. All of us should unite and pool our efforts together. That’s very important. We are not asking for complete independence. The Middle Way approach, followed by His Holiness, is our main standpoint. When it comes down to it, it’s important to follow this path.


[DW reading a newspaper where the date clearly shows: March 10, 2008]


DW voiceover: We are close to finishing our project. Our footage is ready to be taken to China. Either tomorrow or the day after. My aim for this film is not to make a famous or particularly entertaining film. This film is about the plight of the Tibetan people – helpless and frustrated. Therefore I hope that everyone will pay special attention and support it. That’s my biggest hope.


DW on a train, singing into the camera:

Precious One (Dalai Lama)
Precious One
Precious One
You are the peace of the world
You are the pride of Tibetans
Precious One


A few days after they had completed filming, Dhondup Wangchen and his helper were arrested.Tapes of all 108 interviews they conducted were sent to a safe place out of the country on March 10, 2008.On the same day historic mass Tibetan protests started across the Tibetan plateau.As of August 6th 2008, the eve of the Olympic Games, Dhondup Wangchen and his helper, Golog Jigme, are still in detention.

